Bad Bad Day

The Viperess

New member
May 27, 2001
It started good till I went to take Nut to work.
Nut looked in the rear view and then he looked at me and got out of the van I thouhgt well what the Hell it the matter with him so I turn and look well the back window got took out last night. and there a hole in the front one two. I come in and call the TOLEDO COPS. they tell me they dont send cops out for something like that that I have to go down town to file a report. then she said well if it had gang stuff on it then they would come out to make the report. Then the Lady across the street ask me what happen I just look at her and didn't say anything. The funny one of the day is someone pulls up next to and hooks to tell me my window is broken out. I just looked at them and LMAO.
What kind of gangs are in toledo? bloods/crips/mexican mafia/hells angels/dirty dozen/southside latino`s/ cool money boys/20th street blacks/brindle boys/east side machaca`s/ or all the above?
:eek: :eek: Are those gangs just the one's you know off the top of your head cjcj? ;) ;) I don't even know that many different gangs. I think I know 2 for sure and that's it. LOL
Sounds like your day just started out bad, but did it get any better?
Quick Draw
Whiskers, I didnt take the job down there. ;)

cj.. I dont follow the gang names here . None have asked me to join yet. :eek: :D

Yea it wasnt a good way to start a day. I still wonder if it was the "If it's brown it's down" sticker that Vipe put on the window a week ago.

There are alot of ethnic variations that might not take that the way it actually is meant.
Yikes, I got one them "BROWN IS DOWN" stickers in the back of my pickup, and park it in Atlantic City every day. Well every day I work.
Whiskers; you go to Atlantic City "Every" day?? No wonder you won't work full time!!! :D Remember Nut, Vandalism is "no deductible" on your full coverage insurance.
Paws, I stand corrected, I park there three days a week, I drive the bus there!! Ain like I am having fun.
Now there must be a book in there someplace! :D Driving bus in Atlantic City got to have lots of excitement!! :D
By the way; you guys really need to change those stickers to something like; "If it's fuzzy, I eat it." or "Got Game?" :D
That sucks Vipe!

I got two $#!@%^&^ parking tickets yesterday, the ticket nazi got me 2 minutes after my meter expired the second time as I was walking to the truck. I asked her for a reprieve and she gave me the "no can do".

What does going down on the brown have to do w/ your window being smashed? ;)
Smalls you obviously ain from an Urban area. Brown is the color of some of the residents in the projects. A guy I work with has a big NWTF sticker in the window of his truck. He was called in by the garage super and ask what it stood for. Some of the more urban people that work there thought it stood for Niggers What The F--k Luckily they complained to management before they took it out on him or his truck.
Quick Draw, yes those gangs that i mentioned are a "few" of the one`s in AZ, but there are a few more that i can`t think of. I like [if it`s fuzzy i eat it ] The brown is down would`nt be a problem unless it was in spanish/mexican etc. by the way i think anyone can put whatever the hell they want on their property. Hope you Vipe/Nut have better days ahead.
Well I going to get the sticker adain and it going in the same place on the van.

Boy I glad we only had to pay the 250.00 and not what the ins. had to pay how.

And yes cjcj we have the gangs here. we have had them fight right in front of the house here. The worst part they are getting the little kids to join. you see kids no more then 7 or 8 in the gang.

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