Yeti GOBOX Collection

Back Again...Safe and Sound


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Sorry all for the abrupt disappearance a couple weeks ago...
We had a fire called the "Jim Town Fire" just North West of Helena and I had to grab my line gear and head out the door as is what happens when you are on call some times..
The fire started out great, we got to initial attack the fire right when we got there...
They had put a dozer line around it and we jumped in and started lighting all the unburned fuels off. A darned helicopter kept coming in every five minutes and dousing the fire line we were trying to create, so we just went ahead and lit off a big ol' chunk as fast as we could, he sure couldn't keep up with that LOL...
Then for the next week, we were in the mode of line maintenance and putting out slop overs.
The work was hard and tedious most of the time and we did an awful lot of walking, (sure gets one ready for elk hunting). We ended up staying till the very end, re-habed all of the hand and dozer lines that were put in and put the campground that we were in back to what it was before the fire.
The last day, we were put in what they call 'IA', stands for Initial Attack...
This means we sit around and wait just incase there is a call to arms for another event..
We were fortunate to get one over by Townsend Mt. as with the last fire, we were the first crew on scene...We dug a line up the side of a mountain for 60 chains (1 chain = 66 feet) That was around 3/4 of a mile..
We worked from 1630 until 1830 the next day straight, that was a pretty good strain on all of the new kids on the crew, but I guess that which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger...LOL...
Any way, we got a line around the fire and started laying hose lines in and putting the fire out, we had another two crews finally show up and we were released off the fire to come home for two day's..
Tomorrow morning our name goes back on the board and we will probably be getting another dispatch back out very soon afterwards...
When fire season is on, and the work is going, one doesn't want to turn it down...
Besides I love this stuff and can't wait for the next one...
This fire wasn't as exciting as the one I was around on the fourth of July..
We are all hoping to get dispatched out of state on the next one...
Especially around the Western Oregon/Washington areas...
There is always something good happening in those areas, but we will take what and all we can get..

P.S. Thanks for the concern for my health from some of you and especially about some of my fallen comrades in the Salmon area earlier this week. It is really appreciated...
I didn't even Realise you were gone

Sounds like you're having a blast. Keep up the good work and You need to get over here and put out some of these fires that are showing up in Idaho
We are going back on the board in the morning and want to get out of the state, maybe you coule put in a good word with some of the people at the top that there is a good crew hitting the boards tomorrow, and we will be on the first plane in that direction....
I'm glad you are having a blast doing your work.
All of your comrads are in my preyers for their safety and health.

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