Caribou Gear Tarp

AZ Non-Res early bull %

Larry Landgren said:
Another clueless assclown popping off at the mouth . I think someone needs to give him a written invatation to SI

Well this is not SI or Current Events. If you can not debate without name calling here in ELK it will be moved.

edited part: This includes all those who have used uneeded endearments.
Well, I have to admit you got me on the Nevada issue, but then I got you on the land owner issue. Try this page.. to get some idea about how land ownership is split. You'll notice that a large part of the Federal land doesn't have any elk on it at all. Units 6A, 6B, 7, 8, and 9 are largely federal lands, the rest is either checkerboard, private or state land. As for the best Elk in Arizona, I think that's pretty much common knowledge that it's in the White Mountains and surrounding areas. Most of that is Apache land.

When all is said and done, what you and I think doesn't amount to a hill of beans. The rules are made and that's that. AZGF just decided last week that "ferners" from other states get a total of 10% max. No more. So all of this discussion is moot.. but thanks for the laughs and the giggles.. If you draw a tag in Arizona, be sure to come back and ask for directions. I'm sure that several folks on here will be willing to help.

Play nice boys, or i will have to use my Moosie given power as moderator to move this or close it.
AZ402, i am sorry to hear that the paper apps are dead for next year. It was nice to weed out the guys applying for Grandma, Uncle Joe, Sis , and Rover because it didnt cost anything.
:) Wow!! Thanks for the debate Danr55. I enjoyed it. I can tell you are a man of many ideas and words like me. Only differnce is we have a differing opinion. Yeah, you are right about this debate isn't going to change anything. I guess it is back to the status quo for nonresid's.
I wish I could say the same for Larry Landgren and AZ402, BTW Larry and AZ, staus quo means "the same" or "no change." Just thought i would save you a trip to the dictionary. I wouldn't want to add a new word to your vocabulary. We can all see you only know four letter words. Its funny that they want to give me the A--Clown award for not knowing what I'm talking about. Its funny because I reviewed all the posts today and they didn't express one thought or idea other than insults. I hope they hunt smarter than they talk or else they will eat a lot of tags. I don't need to insult them because they have embarrassed themselves today. I destroyed them both on this issue. Also, AZ402, you might want to change your signature line because I'm sure you cost McClendon-elk-hunts some business today. I wouldn't want you representing my business. When I pull that AZ tag, I know to steer clear of McClendon if they associate with a guy like you.
So Danr55, I guess we can put this debate to rest for now. If you ever need any info on Nevada, Utah, or Colorado, give me a holler and I'll tell you everything I know. You have to admit this debate was entertaining :)
James First off Welcome to Don't get your Fethers Ruffled over a Little debate or ya won;t last long ;)

Idaho has a 10% cap on goat, sheep, and Moose. I actually think it's fair. We restrict others coming in and they restrict us.
Thanks for the welcome Moosie. To me, caps weren't really the issue of the debate; unfair caps was my problem (10% cap on sheep and moose: fair; 10% cap on deer and elk: unfair).
Yeah, I agree I was a little hot under the collar on my first reply to this post. That line about "raise a stink" just burnt me up and I had to reply. Actual debate doesn't ruffle my feathers. I think you saw on the posts who couldn't handle debate--the couple guys using profanity. I didn't do that. That guy AZ402 wasn't debating anything--just cursing and insulting. The AZ cap is such a hot issue that I can't imagine he wouldn't think someone would have a different view than him. I know tons of non-resid's of AZ that feel the same as me on the AZ issue but everyone is afraid to speak their opinion because of just what happened here. They are afraid of the AZ402 guys of the world that try to shout you down and call you an A--Clown. Besides, we have no voice, hence the lawsuit. Anyways, I double lunged this debate meaning I won't be talking about it again. I said what I needed to say. That's what debate is about. Thanks again Mossie. Loved the sheep story.
Come in... make a Comment, then Double lung it.... What an Ass-Clown ;)

Thanx for the Kudos on the Sheep story, T'was a Fun hunt.

PS, How'd you find this site ?
James wvu:

Well, I can tell you I know AZ402 and he's a stand up guy who's passionate about what's transpiring in his home state. In my opinion (which doesn't mean much I guess), if your first post had the same tone as the ones that followed, you may have been received a bit differently from the Arizona boys at the beginning. Heck, most have treated me pretty good........and I'm a non-resident who finally drew an archery elk tag this year. hump

So don't get your feathers too ruffled here......looks like you can hold your own in a discussion. I may not agree with all your beliefs, but I do respect the fact you're not afraid to express them. ;)
State of Arizona owns their elk and other big game. If you don't like how they manage their wildlife and distribute hunting licenses, don't spend your money there. It won't bother anybody. It's a dog eat dog world out there. Life isn't fair. Sniveling about it won't get you anywhere. As for you wanting somebody to "debate" with you, get real. You can't even string a complete sentence together, so what fun would that be? When you get your Arizona elk tag, book your hunt with Boy George. Maybe you and your man-boobies will have a feature photo in his next brochure.
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