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I hope this gets AZ guys even more fired up. Hunters need to make it obvious to politicians that anyone having anything to do with SFW/BGF is like radioactive waste.

Can't even wait until some of our MT politicians get their endorsement from SFW. The fertilizer is going to hit the ventilator.
I hope this gets AZ guys even more fired up. Hunters need to make it obvious to politicians that anyone having anything to do with SFW/BGF is like radioactive waste.

Can't even wait until some of our MT politicians get their endorsement from SFW. The fertilizer is going to hit the ventilator.

MSA is going to be all over this. As more people file for positions at our legislature, there's sure to be those that are SFW affiliated. We had one here in my HD file. He will be supported by SFW, as he has spoke for them on several occasions. As sure as chit stinks, there will be an attempt here to get tags.
Honestly, I cannot believe those involved would take this step again. I agree that we need to raise money for the causes, but 54 auction tags is an EXTREME number!

What the hell!
54...I heard it was a lot more than that.

Dont know how much weight a NR has in Arizona, but I sent Gov. Brewer an email anyway...
I believe 54-56 were auction type tags & the rest were raffle. Might be wrong.

OK folks here is what some have told me & where you need to come from:

You can complain about the tags or lack of... You can complain about the money not going to wildlife conservation, but these are not going to make bit of difference. This whole thing is about money & the economic benefits of the tags & expo.

So, you need to understand the Governor & her office is going to look at this from the ECONOMIC standpoint. The bottom line, does it BRING in more money to the STATE than the current system & expo? I don't know if it does or does not, but if you want to plead your case, do it from the economic side.

The ISE Phoenix Show was not a great show this year & for me it would HELP my business if this Hunting Exposition was to take place. With that said, I don't believe we should have 54 ADDITIONAL Auction Tags & I don't believe PUBLIC funding decisions should take place behind closed doors. These are my issues with this bill & how it was pushed upon ALL of us.
Are the tags their after gonna be Gov type tags with long seasons or tags valid only during the regular seasons?
Oak, I replied to you on CW as well, but here it is again.

I just see the Auction tags as being tags that ultimately ELIMINATE almost anyone with a normal income. I can see how the bonus point deal would be disturbed with all of the other tags, but it doesn't get under my skin like the auction tags.

The money not going to Game & Fish doesn't really bother me that much, well...I guess it's because you see a lot of waste in government agencies. My main concern, & this is just me, is who decides where the money goes for access, youth projects & such?. So they raise all of this money, now who's in charge of it & who controls it? This is Public money, not just theirs. They didn't exactly enlighten us on this bill, so are they going to ask our opinion & discuss the financial decisions with us, or just ask the guy with the big pocket book.

Just my opinion & honest feelings.
Hello OYOA members! I am a Nevada native who is concerned that this issue will spill over into my home state if it is allowed to continue in others. Below are three contacts that should be informed of your opinion on HB2072. The last one is an AZ sportsman who is compiling as many emails as possible on this issue to hopefully put the fire out. This is what I sent, I figure every little bit helps.

To whom it may concern,

As a non-resident sportsman, I wish to let you to know that I thoroughly oppose the current proposed legislation in Arizona known as HB2072. If the state of Arizona proceeds with this legislation, sadly I will no longer spend any of my sportsman dollars in your great state. In addition, I will encourage all fellow sportsmen whom I associate with to spend their hard earned dollars elsewhere as well.

[email protected]

[email protected]
Guys! This is getting worse and if they can do what the following suggests that I just C/Pd off the MM site it will be a disaster! Here is the post:

Well everyone, We have our work cut out for us!!!! This was actually the second meeting with the Governors staff. Suzanne and Alan Hamberlin have made it clear that they are pushing forward with this bill. So the Governors staff was fully aware that this is a controversial issue . It is time to really hammer Both the Governors office and ALL the legislatures.
This may end up as a Striker Bill.

A Striker would be a Bill that has already made it through Committee hearings.
Then on the Floor someone could "Strike Everything" - meaning the language in that bill.
They would then insert the language that was HB2072, vote on it, and its on its way to the Governor.
If we put enough pressure on both the legislature and the Governors office, then they will
have to make a choice between Alan Hamberlins money and your votes at the next election.

If you have the ability to go down in person and meet with legislatures that would be most effective.

Remember at all times to be respectful.

I am going to supply a link to an overview of this bill.

Now I am going to show a portion of that bill that is very concerning.

• Applies the proceeds from the resale of tags to cover all costs associated with the annual Arizona sportsmen exposition and county chapter banquets.

• Directs remaining monies to programs and costs of administration to achieve these purposes:
 Youth sportsmen education and outdoor programs.
 Access for sportsmen to cross private lands onto public lands.
 Sustain, enhance and increase habitat and big game species.
 Facilitate education and communication programs relative to sportmen and wildlife.
 Protect sportsmen's heritage and conduct activities to promote the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

Read the first line!!! It is my feeling that this opens the door for a lot of people to get paid!

I don’t think there will be any funds left for the AZGFD after the sale of these tags!

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Someone in AZ should show them the Tax Return of Utah's SFW to show how little money is used for anything other than the organizations expenses.
Another Gem right here.

To: Arizona Sportsmen and Conservation Organization Board of Directors
FROM: Alan Hamberlin, Chairman AZSFW
RE: Response to Organization Concerns about HB 2072
DATE: February 29, 2010

In our continuing effort to communicate with sportsmen and conservation organizations, we wanted to bring you up to date on the status of HB 2072. Earlier today we met with representatives from the Governor’s office and two of the five commissioners primarily to see if there is an opportunity for continuing dialogue on the bill. We agreed to continue to communicate with them as we progress to let them know what changes we are making to the bill.
We appreciate the responses and feedback that we have received relative to the introduced version of the bill and our responses to those concerns are listed below. It is our desire to solicit any additional concerns you may have. We respectfully request that this memo be disseminated to all members of your respective Boards of Directors asking them to identify additional issues that they may have. We will seriously evaluate and respond to any legitimate concerns. There are at least four items that we agree to modify in response to concerns and issues that have been raised thus far as follows:
1. The original bill had no cap on administrative fees; we will cap those fees at 10%
2. While the original bill had a reporting requirement for the qualifying organization to adopt a Board resolution and submit it to the Arizona Game and Fish Department specifying the amount of proceeds received from the sale of tags from the auction and raffle and sold at the EXPO and Banquets and the costs associated with same and the monies paid for each of the six purposes listed in the bill and the cost of administration. We will add a new provision requiring an annual outside independent audit of the proceeds received from tag sales and the expenditure of those proceeds by a certified public accountant.
3. We have been asked to cap the number of tags that will be available as a result of the legislation in the future to 350 tags. We agree to cap the number of tags at 350.
4. Concern has been raised by some that none of the monies flow directly back to the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). We are willing to negotiate with Game and Fish and are prepared to offer them up to 30% of the net proceeds to augment their hunter recruitment program if they support the legislation.

Please communicate any additional concerns to Suzanne Gilstrap at 602-390-4518 or preferably communicate via email to [email protected] .
I was all set to C/P that memo on this thread and see I got beat to the punch! Who in the F88K do these people think they are!!! What nerve when he writes: "We are willing to negotiate with Game and Fish and are prepared to offer them up to 30% of the net proceeds to augment their hunter recruitment program if they support the legislation." Isn't it great that will to give back "up to" 30% of the money that isn't their's to begin with and with the requirement that G&F supports them. They're even willing to put a cap of 10% on administrative fees, LOL! What a bunch of aholes! I wish all you AZ guys could get a March to the Capitol steps going to let the entire Legislature and Governor know about these crooks! It may take something like that to put a stop to that bunch once and for all, rather than the emails and letters to the individual legislators.
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Another Gem right here.

To: Arizona Sportsmen and Conservation Organization Board of Directors
FROM: Alan Hamberlin, Chairman AZSFW
RE: Response to Organization Concerns about HB 2072
DATE: February 29, 2010

In our continuing effort to communicate with sportsmen and conservation organizations, we wanted to bring you up to date on the status of HB 2072. Earlier today we met with representatives from the Governor’s office and two of the five commissioners primarily to see if there is an opportunity for continuing dialogue on the bill. We agreed to continue to communicate with them as we progress to let them know what changes we are making to the bill.

We appreciate the responses and feedback that we have received relative to the introduced version of the bill and our responses to those concerns are listed below. It is our desire to solicit any additional concerns you may have. We respectfully request that this memo be disseminated to all members of your respective Boards of Directors asking them to identify additional issues that they may have. We will seriously evaluate and respond to any legitimate concerns. There are at least four items that we agree to modify in response to concerns and issues that have been raised thus far as follows:

1. The original bill had no cap on administrative fees; we will cap those fees at 10%

2. While the original bill had a reporting requirement for the qualifying organization to adopt a Board resolution and submit it to the Arizona Game and Fish Department specifying the amount of proceeds received from the sale of tags from the auction and raffle and sold at the EXPO and Banquets and the costs associated with same and the monies paid for each of the six purposes listed in the bill and the cost of administration. We will add a new provision requiring an annual outside independent audit of the proceeds received from tag sales and the expenditure of those proceeds by a certified public accountant.

3. We have been asked to cap the number of tags that will be available as a result of the legislation in the future to 350 tags. We agree to cap the number of tags at 350.

4. Concern has been raised by some that none of the monies flow directly back to the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). We are willing to negotiate with Game and Fish and are prepared to offer them up to 30% of the net proceeds to augment their hunter recruitment program if they support the legislation.

Please communicate any additional concerns to Suzanne Gilstrap at 602-390-4518 or preferably communicate via email to [email protected] .

Wow, the height of arrogance. As condescending as one can get, but we have come to expect as much from SFW leaders.

So, let me get this straight. They are offering this proposal to AZ hunters.

We plan to steal a few million dollars from the citizens of Arizona via these tags. To make it look legit, we will give 30% of the net proceeds (after all our consulting fees, admin charges, etc.) back to the people we stole it from.

Please tell me this isn't going to pass. If this passes, especially as much as the self-serving features have been brought to open daylight by AZ hunters, something is very messed up.

And some wonder why the rest of the world wants to see SFW swept off the western landscape. Whether this passes or not, no more evidence is needed to show why we will all be better off when the SFW ship sinks.
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