Ammon Bundy convicted in trespassing trial

Watch the video and draw your own conclusions. This has already been ruled a justified shooting, and I’m not going to argue.
I did and I did.

Being "ruled" justified doesn't mean it was justified. Just "ruled" justified.
Being "ruled" justified means the shooter and the shooter's organization have been exonerated from wrongdoing ... whether they were or not.
You guys need to lighten up.
If the guys name hadn't been "Ammon Bundy", nobody, and I mean "NOBODY" would have given two hoots in hell about some Idaho Mormon rancher "trespassing" in a county courthouse!
....and it DAMN sure wouldn't have been headline worthy.

Get a life!
You guys need to lighten up.
If the guys name hadn't been "Ammon Bundy", nobody, and I mean "NOBODY" would have given two hoots in hell about some Idaho Mormon rancher "trespassing" in a county courthouse!
....and it DAMN sure wouldn't have been headline worthy.

Get a life!
To be fair, it was posted as a headline on local News 8. Not exactly a huge deal.

I checked out the article and basically they told everyone to leave, he didn't, got 3 days in jail 48 hrs of community service and $750 fine. So what?

You see the same type of article about anyone who was previously famous.
To be fair, it was posted as a headline on local News 8. Not exactly a huge deal.

I checked out the article and basically they told everyone to leave, he didn't, got 3 days in jail 48 hrs of community service and $750 fine. So what?

You see the same type of article about anyone who was previously famous.
Yeah, like last fall when he was kicked out of a Calwell High football game for refusing to wear a mask. Then the game had to be cancelled because Bundy's flying monkeys made numerous "threats" to 911 (presumably bomb threats). I'm sure his kid playing on the visiting Emmett team had a tough time with coach and teammates after that episode. But hey, wrecking his children's lives means nothing to that grandstanding fathead. The Caldwell school board subsequently banned him from school property.

Someone on this thread called him an "Emmett rancher." I checked his address on Google maps. If that place is a ranch, I'm living in Windsor Castle. I have to wonder what he really does do for a living. I'm guessing he's made a career fleecing his cultists.
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Yeah, like last fall when he was kicked out of a Calwell High football game for refusing to wear a mask. Then the game had to be cancelled because Bundy's flying monkeys made numerous "threats" to 911 (presumably bomb threats). I'm sure his kid playing on the visiting Emmett team had a tough time with coach and teammates after that episode. But hey, wrecking his children's lives means nothing to that grandstanding fathead. The Caldwell school board subsequently banned him from school property.

Good example of my point. I'm an avid newsreader, but being in the NE, read zero articles about this. Probably everyone in state, did.
Yeah, like last fall when he was kicked out of a Calwell High football game for refusing to wear a mask. Then the game had to be cancelled because Bundy's flying monkeys made numerous "threats" to 911 (presumably bomb threats). I'm sure his kid playing on the visiting Emmett team had a tough time with coach and teammates after that episode. But hey, wrecking his children's lives means nothing to that grandstanding fathead. The Caldwell school board subsequently banned him from school property.

Someone on this thread called him an "Emmett rancher." I checked his address on Google maps. If that place is a ranch, I'm living in Winsor Castle. I have to wonder what he really does do for a living. I'm guessing he's made a career fleecing his cultists.
Well he owes some big loans to the US government for a trucking business.
But I do see him following the Sharpton model.
Ammon Bundy is, without a doubt, an activist. As such, he (and his dad) have stepped on a lot of toes.
I've read both sides of the coin.
One group says Bundy is a hero. On the other side, he's a horror!

Right, wrong or indifferent, Bundy is fighting for what he thinks is right. I commend him for that.
Bundy has been drug into federal courts twice. Once for the Nevada standoff and once for the Malhuer standoff. He still isn't in prison.
For the Nevada affair, he was convicted, but 10 months later, it was declared a "mistrial" and he was released.
For the Malhuer affair, he was found not guilty
Bundy is either correct in fighting the Gov't, or the Gov't is so inept, why in hell would you put it in charge of anything more than a peanut stand?

Several on here have claimed Bundy is a low life criminal. Then why can't the Gov't indict and convict him?

I don't know what Bundy is up to.
I don't CARE what Bundy is up to.
But I know this. He's kicked the government's butt ever way of Sunday!
The penny-ante trespassing b.s.? People do it every day, but because the perps name is "Ammon Bundy", it's suddenly a major offense that deserves a spot on the national news!
Bundy is fighting for what he feels is right....Grazing his damned cattle for free on Federal ground where everyone else has to pay the BLM a grazing fee that is so low it's pitiful.
I did and I did.

Being "ruled" justified doesn't mean it was justified. Just "ruled" justified.
Being "ruled" justified means the shooter and the shooter's organization have been exonerated from wrongdoing ... whether they were or not.
The FBI sniper who killed Vicky Weaver was exonerated after the shooting was deemed justified. She was murdered IMO.

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