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All is Right in the World

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Lawnboy has been telling me about a spot with lots of grouse and a few elk. So, with a morning not obligated to other things I told him I would tag along, rain and all. I told him I would not get up that early or drive that far merely for elk. There had better be grouse.

While Lawnboy was running around chasing bugles, he was flushing grouse from every little brush pile. The guy has lost his mind; probably blew chances on three limits of grouse while chasing an elk (or another hunter) up the ridge. Not sure we are compatible archery elk hunting partners.

I finally got out ahead and arrowed one before he could chase it off. While I was dancing in jubilation at making a great 18 yard shot at a cagey ruffed grouse strutting through the reproduction, Lawnboy was scowling at me to shut up. Guess he heard a bugle just up the trail. Bugles be damned when there are grouse to be had.

Though he messed up my other two grouse stalks, all is right in my world. I have grouse in the cooler waiting for me to get home and fire up the grill. And, I've found a new grouse spot if Bart will allow me to come back and clear the nuisance species from his wake. All ruffs, too; a huge bonus.

Bart says the one bull I called in emerged from a thick mess, looking at him from almost petting distance. Until I see it on footage, I call BS. If the rain would stop up in these mountains, I would finish out this limit of grouse, a worthy cause to get drenched.

Yes, all is right in my world today.

nice shot and great advertisement for that Reign 7. I want one! sweet shooting bows
I bought a Browning Buckmark a couple of years ago for this specific purpose. I was kicking grouse up EVERYWHERE. Last year I had very little time in the field...this year I am looking for camp dinner!!
After packing out two bulls this week for my partners I don't want to see another elk for a while. Grouse would be easier to pack. I think you are getting wiser in your maturing years.
Big Fin, how will the snow tonight effect the grouse hunting? Should make it easier to see them for your stalks.

How did you get in front of Bart? After watching his uphill across the valley marathon to shoot that bull in the video, I would think he shows up the Mountain Ops guys.
You've got a fever, a grouse fever, and the only cure is more grouse. Happy that you scratched that itch just a little bit.

Here's hoping Lawnboy scratches the elk itch with you along acting as a gutting monkey and pack mule.
onpoint, my wife and I just finished off three slow cooked grouse over rice (we've been enjoying the fare for several days). The Bridgers near Bozeman in SW Montana provide good grouse habitat. You just gotta get out more and beat the bushes.
onpoint, my wife and I just finished off three slow cooked grouse over rice (we've been enjoying the fare for several days). The Bridgers near Bozeman in SW Montana provide good grouse habitat. You just gotta get out more and beat the bushes.

Shoulda' seen that INCREDIBLE backfire coming - apologies to those collaterally damaged.
Gotta' love the internet.................
Nice shooting! I've always wanted to shoot one w/ a bow, but I always manage to muff the shot.

I was on the phone with Dad last night and he said he and Mom had grouse for dinner. Our season doesn't open until today, so I gave him a little grief about leaving vac pac'd grouse in the freezer for almost a year. Grouse (or should I say "partridge"?!?) meat doesn't stay in our freezer long.

Now I'm hungry...hope it was delicious!
Are Ruffed Grouse similar in size to Blue/Duskies? How about on the table?

Bucket list bird
What are you using for a tip (broadhead, blunt, etc)? Any tricks to keep them from flying off after being shot?
What are you using for a tip (broadhead, blunt, etc)? Any tricks to keep them from flying off after being shot?

Judo point. To keep them from flying, I try to shoot them right between the wings if facing away or right on a wing if broadside. My efforts to hit a head is usually poor, but is my normal point of aim when facing me.
Judo point. To keep them from flying, I try to shoot them right between the wings if facing away or right on a wing if broadside. My efforts to hit a head is usually poor, but is my normal point of aim when facing me.

I started carrying a judo point on an arrow that had different color vanes after destroying a $15 broadhead on a sharpie a couple years ago. The different color vanes keeps me from accidentally trying to use it on big game.

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