Accubow...thoughts and who uses em?


New member
Apr 15, 2020
Alright I searched and didn't find anything. Who is using the Accubow and actually seeing a benefit? Looking at purchasing one for Colorado winters and for just random practice. Thoughts from the enlightened?
I used to shoot my bow in the basement in the winter which sounds a lot cheaper than this. I had about 7 yds and that was plenty to kill time.
I agree that it appears to be a social media fad and a result of my current searches. But it came up enough I thought id ask. Ive got about 15 in the basement (unfinished) that I should be able to clear out and actually use.
I agree with what has been said, above … it's a fad, develop bad habits, and the intent to improve strength. I would spend the money you would have spent on this "contraption" to build yourself a nice place to shoot in that unfinished basement (buy a reputable and bigger target). Try not to shoot holes through your drywall :).
If it was a good product you wouldnt need miss boobs a lot in the add for it
Im fine with a few months off when its real cold and to pick up the bow in the spring never had any issues due to not shooting all yr