A Perfect Christmas Break

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
I don't think I could have come up with a better way to enjoy my Christmas break than fishing with my oldest son during his break from college. It's funny how you can't wait for them to grow up and move out, and then absolutely love it when they come back to visit. I'm really going to miss him when he heads back to school tomorrow.

It took us a half a day to figure the fish out and also find some "soft" water. For you Southerner's that means water that isn't frozen. Anyway, once we did, things started to come together. Here's just a few pic's of how things went once we got it figured out. I couldn't have asked for better company or better weather, both were perfect.

First fish of the day.

Here's my son landing a brown trout. It was an absolutely beautiful little fishing hole. We just knew something had to be in it, so we were pleased when he hooked this fish. You can actually see it flipping on the bank about 4 feet in front of his boots. While none of these fish are huge they are all native, no put and take stocked trout around here.

Closer pic of the fish that was being landed in the above photo.

We didn't catch many rainbows. I think we got maybe 4 or 5 between us. This was a nice fish in another absolutely awesome looking fishing hole. I wish some of you guys could experience what we are so fortunate to have out here. We were the only one's on the water. The weather was warm for December in Montana, with temperatures between 45 to 55 degrees. Spending time with my oldest son and successfully catching fish is about as good as it gets.
Sounds and looks like about a perfect day to me. Good on you and your boy for braving what looks like a cold day to get some time on the water.

Don't know if you're catching and releasing, but if you are studies suggest that never taking a trout out of the water is the best approach - not holding them by anything but the lip or landing them on the bank. That approach doesn't make for very good pictures though.
DDD, yup I've read that study as well. However, it's not just about the fishing and good photos=good memories. I'm pretty sure all these fish survived despite being out of the water for just a minute or two. In fact, it's pretty common to catch the same fish over and over again, so I know for a fact that many of them live just fine.
I don't think I could have come up with a better way to enjoy my Christmas break than fishing with my oldest son during his break from college. It's funny how you can't wait for them to grow up and move out, and then absolutely love it when they come back to visit. I'm really going to miss him when he heads back to school tomorrow.

It took us a half a day to figure the fish out and also find some "soft" water. For you Southerner's that means water that isn't frozen. Anyway, once we did, things started to come together. Here's just a few pic's of how things went once we got it figured out. I couldn't have asked for better company or better weather, both were perfect.

Here's my son landing a brown trout. It was an absolutely beautiful little fishing hole. We just knew something had to be in it, so we were pleased when he hooked this fish. You can actually see it flipping on the bank about 4 feet in front of his boots. While none of these fish are huge they are all native, no put and take stocked trout around here.

We didn't catch many rainbows. I think we got maybe 4 or 5 between us. This was a nice fish in another absolutely awesome looking fishing hole. I wish some of you guys could experience what we are so fortunate to have out here. We were the only one's on the water. The weather was warm for December in Montana, with temperatures between 45 to 55 degrees. Spending time with my oldest son and successfully catching fish is about as good as it gets.

That almost sounds like an invite?:rolleyes: Nothing better than time with family - except when that time is also hunting or fishing. Congrats!
WOW,how many guys in the country could have had a day like that. Taking advantage of all opportunities is the definition of genius Thanks for the pictures.

mike r
Thanks everyone it was a lot of fun. Oh and JLS, sometime I'll have to PM you and let you know how you are actually indirectly responsible for me getting back into fishing around here.
One of the many answers to the question, "Why do people live in Montana?"

Cool stuff.
We have had enough cold to make some ice and I got out with a friend and a couple of high school kids the other day. We sat and watched some guys kill some geese over decoys on the ice we were going to fish, and then we went to work. We hit one little flurry of activity and my buddy and I each caught one crappie and the kids caught 10! Normal.

Nothing like getting out with family and friends.
Very nice. We only have one trout stream within 2 hours of where I live here in Ohio, so it gets fished extremely hard. I usually spend a lot of time in Tennessee during the spring.
Thanks everyone it was a lot of fun. Oh and JLS, sometime I'll have to PM you and let you know how you are actually indirectly responsible for me getting back into fishing around here.

I'll look forward to it.:)

One of these days I'll look you up when I'm over that way and we'll go throw some hardware.

I had hoped to spend a few days chasing birds over Thanksgiving, but I was too busy displaying my prolonged incompetence at elk hunting this year. :cool:
noharleyyet, I couldn't agree more. I would like to add though, when a few words are spoken, they tend to be listened to a little better for some reason. That listening goes both ways I might add.
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