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I come here for the comedy relief.
DM, I come to here for a couple of reasons. Humor among them. I find it a great venue for self expression.

Although I don't agree with some of the folks here, I find opportunity to enjoy my life long ambition to be a major league umpire or a Superior Court Judge. Albeit a surregate pleasure, it serves just the same.

If anyone takes much of this seriously, then they should run for office so they can obtain a position to be more causative in most of these issues. By the time these issues reach this level, they are little more that Monday morning quarterbacking.

danr I have been quite entertained by the reading here. The response of some folks is very amusing after someone peed in their wheaties. You also should thank them for the entertainment.
TenBears, You have a problem with that... ??

Baliff, Get a rope.. we are about to dispense some justice...

Anybody for another two weeks?

I'm in if others are, but remember if you start something, don't expect me to stay nice.
That's one sign in with unfounded accusations. Any more?
IT, you didn't make the last go'round.

Welcome aboard (again).
ITHACA, you signed on on 2/18/03, and called me an ATV riding road hunter on 2/26/03. That doesn't sound like 2 weeks to me. But like I said, we'll give it a go again, right?
on 2/26/03 Ithaca posted this to Ten Bears in the Idaho and ATV post

"Yes, anything reasonable that would make violaters easier to identify would probably result in easier law enfocement. I'm surprised you are resisting that, but I can see you might have some kinda agenda about being able to road hunt off your ATV all day."

That is calling Ten Bears a Road Hunter during the two week challenge.

See I have reading comprehension.
NUT, thank you, that was the interpretation that I had. If it isnotmeant that way, then we both suffer from the same incorrect reading comprehension.

No apology required, or even a admittance of incorrectness. It's a new 2 weeks.
Ten, have you ridden an atv while hunting? Would you stop your atv and blast a nice 6 point bull while enroute to your hunting area?

Of course you have and of course you if the shoe fits, is it really an insult?

I'm in for another couple weeks.
Here are the key words: " MIGHT have some kinda agenda about being able to road hunt off your ATV all day." MIGHT!

It doesn't even say he EVER HAS BEEN a road hunter. It says he MIGHT have an agenda to be able to road hunt.

If I said he might have an agenda to be able to eat ice cream all day would you conclude from that I was accusing him of eating ice cream in the past?

Agenda: 1 : a list or outline of things to be considered or done <agendas of faculty meetings>
2 : an underlying often ideological plan or program <a political

Saying someone has an agenda to do something doesn't mean they have done it.

Ten, Please try to look at the bright side of all this. If some of us hadn't pointed out your deficient reading comprehension skills you might never have found out.
No thanks necessary.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-12-2003 09:29: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
BUZZ, I don't ride my ATV for hunting. I use it to recover game after the hunt, or recreational riding. During the hunting season, I carry it in the back of my pickup (with my other camping supplies). I have on occassion ridden from my house out to the area I was hunting in, in the early/predawn hours, so no, I wouldn't stop and shoot a 6 point if I saw one.

ITHACA,are you seeking validation again?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> valid
based on truth or reason; able to be accepted

verb [T]
To validate something is to make it officially acceptable or approved, esp. after having checked it first .*1+0 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> might (SUGGESTION)
auxiliary verb [+ infinitive without to]
used to make a suggestion or suggest a possibility in a polite way*4+0
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> might (SHOULD)
auxiliary verb [+ infinitive without to]
used to suggest, esp. angrily, what someone should do to be pleasant, correct, polite etc.*5+0 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

" MIGHT (used to suggest, esp. angrily, what someone should do to be pleasant, correct, polite etc) have some kinda agenda (an underlying often ideological plan or program) about being able to road hunt off your ATV all day."

Validation granted, no apology necessary nor thanks required.