Hey everybody,

It was my wifes b-day this weekend and I have stayed away from the puter

Ithaca, Heck I don't know what to tell ya, I guess my idea was that when we agreed to the challenge that it would be more of a personal integrity type of thing.

Even if a few don't play along it will still be better place if the rest of us do. And in the long run I think the fighting will be at a minimum. I don't think it will ever be totally stopped.
I have just made it a point to "TRY" and stay above the childish insults, tuants ect, ect.

I read the post in the elk section, I would say let it slide, rise above it. I personally wouldn't be bothered by that particular post. I think you would gain more respect from the rest of the board by just ignoring it

I personally will not pester you like I have in the past with all the cartoons and such. I will call B.S. if I think it needs to be called.
It seems to me that you are sensitive to those kind of tactics, Maybe that is
something you could give a little thought to.
Please don't take that the wrong way, Just an observation from my point of view.

As far as some kind of punishment for those that have agreed and then break their word??
That would be up to mars..
Maybe we could all agree to something?
But who would be the judge??

I look at it like this. I gave my word!
My word is very important to me.
If those that signed on break the trust, My respect for them and for what they have to say will be about zero!!
the other thing I can't stomach is a whining tattle tale

thanks to everybody who is doing their part
Yeah. Well mike, I am probably more sensitive than others. It comes from people like you posting pictures and garbaging up the topics. You and a few others who have spent a lot of time calling names, posting pictures, attacking the messenger and not the message, etc.

But thanks for the challenge. I was hoping someone would have an idea like that when I started escalating things about 7 weeks ago. It didn't turn out to be so much fun, did it?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-24-2003 14:07: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Yes, maybe his wife will help get rid of that fighting duck picture too, if she helped with the other idea. That's not a very friendly image there, that duck, so I'd say you must not be very familiar with whatever it was you brought up at the beginning there. Its just a duck though. What's that thing supposed to represent?

Isn't it great that people have different opinions, the spice of life, etc.?
Here's my take on it all speaking as a member of SI. It's up to all of us how this forum goes, if you're tired of the pissy stuff, you'll have to stand united when someone gets out-of-line. Even if it means siding with your mortal enemy. No one is too shy to stand up and give their opinion on the issues, why should they be when someone is hindering the free exchange of information with a vendetta? If you think someone is being a child stand up and tell them so, and everyone else that thinks so should stand up also.

Now, speaking as a moderator Yeah sure, I'll be here when someone goes completely over the edge , but I can't be a babysitter. It's easy to recognize when something offensive is posted either by yourself or by someone else, step up and take care of it. Even if you just say "wouldn't you like to re-think that statement" and several agree they'll get the message.
Another tool you all have here is the power to ignore, if someone is just simply being a poo poo head all the time, talk around them , even ignore their good posts, maybe let them know it by posting "ignored on principle" just don't feed the monkey
It's not my problem what happens over in fireside, or Elk or the fishing forums, and those problems can stay in them as far as I'm concerned.
Oh and when someone is truly trying to be funny on occasion, take a minute to laugh, I promise we'll still think of you as a hard-ass the rest of the time

The bottom line here is You'll get from the SI forum what you put into it.
While I agreed to the challange LOL I sure didnt agree to being PC or checking the humor at the door.

"the other thing I can't stomach is a whining tattle tale
thanks to everybody who is doing their part "

It seems like the only way to make this work is to make it official and place someone in charge of being( The Hunt Talk Hall Monitor)
Seems like something is missing... or am I loosing what little is left of my mind??

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It seems like the only way to make this work is to make it official and place someone in charge of being( The Hunt Talk Hall Monitor) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What is it you want from the board?
A decent exchange of opinions, information, and experiences??
Or do you just like the fighting?
I have backed you for quite awhile. But now it seems more and more like you just like the controvesy, and fighting.

I'm not trying to dog you.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yes, maybe his wife will help get rid of that fighting duck picture too, if she helped with the other idea <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What the hell are you talking about?
Don't even start with anything to do with my wife

Thats one area where the challenge don't mean anything!!

Are you pissed because I refused to take your side about game farms, and didn't appreciate all you e-mails trying to change my mind??
Mike ,I was being kinda serious.
I think One person should cover the rules in this new challange.
That way there wont be the need for posters to feel the need to call Mars or bring up posts to try to shame people into submission.

Mars ,what do I call PC?
I cant really post my feeling on that without getting into trouble

so I will do my best,even though my best will never hold up in some peoples court
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yes, maybe his wife will help get rid of that fighting duck picture too, if she helped with the other idea. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tom, for your information Michael does most of his posts while he is at work, I had nothing to do with his topic "CHALLENGE". He will change his fighting duck picture when he his good and ready to
I don't see what the picture has to do with anything either. Please don't bring me in any of your topics thatI have nothing to do with. The only thing I come on this board for is to chat with the nice people that are here, and to get some answers if I have questions. Just because everybody argues and debates on here doesn't mean everyone is bad, they just like to argue and debate. Please don't judge a book by its cover.

Mommy mommy, Joey stole my bottle. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was talking to some little kids!
DM, Then smack Joey in the mouth, take your bottle back and move on. You're old enough to be off the bottle and eating solid food anyway.. Maybe being back on the bottle (the kind with the screw off cap) is OK also..

Tara and Michaelr, Sorry if I offended you and won't bring the wife up, that is out of bounds, I agree. I read a joke in a post above about how a wife can influence a husband and was just going with the flow on that idea from above. I must not have had a full understanding of the issue there. I wouldn't want a duck like that in my posts, but that's just me. I remember that we dissagreed on the game ranch issue, but that is about all I remember about that. If you didn't appreciate some e-mail I sent you should have told me something to that affect in response, I'm sure my intent was to give information from a different point of view. You make up your own mind on what to do with it. You said their were "all those e-mails", so it sounds like some kind of discussion, I wouldn't send another e-mail unless you responded.
Just an fyi.....

It isn't a duck

It is a prize fighting platypuss.

Have you ever had to fight a pissed off platypussy?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-25-2003 11:40: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
Haven't you been reading any of this stuff?? We don't got no name calling round here... It just don't go 'round here!

Caribou Gear

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