$45G for a sheep

Montana grows some amazing rams. To bad so many go to the highest bidder.

One ram in MT goes to the "highest bidder" every year. So, considering that Jim Hens' 2012 auction ram is not included in that list above, only 5 of the 138 rams on that list could possibly have come from the "highest bidder." I don't think they have a stranglehold on the MT records book.
Wyo, curious what outfitters were passing around pics? Do you have any names?

Looking to argue huh. So you are saying that no rams pics have been passed around at these auctions to entice potential bidders? Really.
What amazes me about MT rams, is the percentage of rams killed that make book. I think there are only 140+/- ram tags given out each year... 20% of the sheep killed make book??? Are my numbers off?

MT should have its own category for RM sheep. Kind of like the Midwest should have for whitetails. Its unfair... :D
So a guy ready to drop six figures on a sheep tag needs pictures before the auction to "entice" him? You don't think a hunter ready to spend that kind of money doesn't already know the quality of animals here? mtmuley
So a guy ready to drop six figures on a sheep tag needs pictures before the auction to "entice" him? You don't think a hunter ready to spend that kind of money doesn't already know the quality of animals here? mtmuley

You right. There are no outfitters that would do such a thing like showing pics of potential recordbook rams at auctions. Jeezuz you people crack me up.

You MT folks sure get your panties in a wad when a NR makes a valid point.

Petty funny to hear an you guys stand up for auction tag outfitters today. One minute you are bashing a hunt club in the breaks and how bad this Texas style of hunting is and the next you are pretending the outfitters in the breaks haven't exploited the wildlife resource to it's full potential at tag auctions and want to argue with anybody who disagrees.

Are you saying no outfitters take pics year round of these animals and use them to gain business at tag auctions?

Are you saying these outfitters don't use airplanes to find and take pics of these recordbook rams?

So they have all these pics of sheep but they don't use them for anything but personal enjoyment? C-mon man, you know that's not true.
Looking to argue huh. So you are saying that no rams pics have been passed around at these auctions to entice potential bidders? Really.

Chill out. You said outfitters were passing around pics. I was just curious what outfitters might have been doing that? Do you know, or are you just flapping your jaws? I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, just hoping you could share some of your knowledge. Thanks bud.
One ram in MT goes to the "highest bidder" every year. So, considering that Jim Hens' 2012 auction ram is not included in that list above, only 5 of the 138 rams on that list could possibly have come from the "highest bidder." I don't think they have a stranglehold on the MT records book.
I do agree and trust that the stats you provided are accurate.
I'm am not sure how that has anything to do with my statement. But i will take the bait.

6 b&c rams is a lot to me. How many does Idaho have in total? Exactly. How many years has Montana offered an auction tag for sheep? What are the odds of a b&c kill if you buy the auction tag and hire one of those outfitters? If the sheep population nose dives this tag will be the last to be cut IMO.
I respect that you know more about sheep than I do. This opinion is based on a core principal. Its a pimp mentality that tells us that if I sell drugs I can make a lot of money but I have to sell my soul to do it. Most of the time a theory that looks great on paper is a total failure in the real world due to unforeseen factors only time can show us if this is the right choice. Like so many things in life it is what it is. Money talks thhe rest of us walk.
Didn't say it doesn't happen. I'm saying a guy that knows what he's after wouldn't need the "enticement". All the picture parades probably drive up the price. Maybe it's just me, but if I was bidding on a tag, for that kind of cash, I'd have already figured out if a 200 inch ram was there or not. And I don't see where I stood up for auction tags, or any outfitter. mtmuley
I don't want to argue with you oak I like that you are passionate about sheep (it shows) regardless of opinion sheep need more guys "walking the walk"
elkmagnet, you made my point. I'm not arguing with you, only saying that a more accurate statement for you to make would have been, "It is a shame that any of them go to the highest bidder." It was obvious that you are against the auction tag, period, not what percentage of rams are going to tag buyers. Nothing wrong with not supporting the auction program.
Chill out. You said outfitters were passing around pics. I was just curious what outfitters might have been doing that? Do you know, or are you just flapping your jaws? I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, just hoping you could share some of your knowledge. Thanks bud.

You are right I was not at the auction this year so I have no firsthand knowledge of what happened to bid a tag up to nearly half a million $. I do however have a pretty good idea as I have been to these type of auctions before and have seen what hapens. That is the main reason I do not attend these types of shows anymore, I disagree with what they stand for. I am guessing we will be seeing a recordbook ram come out of MT for the auction tag holder this year.

Interesting you don't see anything wrong with it, I would have thought a guy like you would have a problem with selling and exploiting wildlife to the highest bidder at an auction and auction tag outfitters in general, I was obviously wrong.

Clearly you know where I stand on this subject, glad to know where you stand on things as well.
elkmagnet, you made my point. I'm not arguing with you, only saying that a more accurate statement for you to make would have been, "It is a shame that any of them go to the highest bidder." It was obvious that you are against the auction tag, period, not what percentage of rams are going to tag buyers. Nothing wrong with not supporting the auction program.
Good I have a party to go to:hump::hump::hump:
Didn't say it doesn't happen. I'm saying a guy that knows what he's after wouldn't need the "enticement". All the picture parades probably drive up the price. Maybe it's just me, but if I was bidding on a tag, for that kind of cash, I'd have already figured out if a 200 inch ram was there or not. And I don't see where I stood up for auction tags, or any outfitter. mtmuley

I agree completely. Clearly these guys who bid on auction tags know Montana has huge rams but I believe to drive bids in the 200, 300, and even 400K price range there are pics of specific animals used. Picture parades are definetly part of the equation when it comes to auction tags. These rich guys are already in touch with Outfitters who have provided them with pictures and estimates of horn size and possibly even where it would put thier name in the record book.
That is the main reason I do not attend these types of shows anymore, I disagree with what they stand for. I am guessing we will be seeing a recordbook ram come out of MT for the auction tag holder this year.

Yeah, given that Bambistew's math says that 20% of the rams from MT make the book, I'm guessing the auction tag holder has a good chance of killing a book ram.

Donation: This flag of the United States of America was flown in the face of the enemy over Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan on the 3rd of July, 2005 during: Operation Enduring Freedom VI. It was flown in honor of your dedication, commitment, and noble support of those who proudly serve in the Armed Forces of the United States during the Global War on Terrorism. This reflects greatly on your valorous patriotism as American Citizens. Certificate of Authenticity is signed by: Bagram Airfield CSM Timothy Green and Col. & FA Commanding Officer Robert Algermissen. Proceeds of this USA Flag benefit WSF and the Wounded Warrior Outdoors.

The above flag sold at the auction last night for $100,000. Selfish, greedy bastards, all of them.
I agree completely. Clearly these guys who bid on auction tags know Montana has huge rams but I believe to drive bids in the 200, 300, and even 400K price range there are pics of specific animals used. Picture parades are definetly part of the equation when it comes to auction tags. These rich guys are already in touch with Outfitters who have provided them with pictures and estimates of horn size and possibly even where it would put thier name in the record book.

Uh, the more you talk about this, the more you prove that you don't have a clue about these shows, because as you admitted, you don't attend them. It's ok to not agree with auction tags. No reason to make stuff up about what you don't understand, though.
You are right I was not at the auction this year so I have no firsthand knowledge of what happened to bid a tag up to nearly half a million $. I do however have a pretty good idea as I have been to these type of auctions before and have seen what hapens. That is the main reason I do not attend these types of shows anymore, I disagree with what they stand for. I am guessing we will be seeing a recordbook ram come out of MT for the auction tag holder this year.

Interesting you don't see anything wrong with it, I would have thought a guy like you would have a problem with selling and exploiting wildlife to the highest bidder at an auction and auction tag outfitters in general, I was obviously wrong.

Clearly you know where I stand on this subject, glad to know where you stand on things as well.

We are probably pretty close on our opinions on this subject. If the gov tags went away I wouldn't bat an eye....actually I would support removing all these pimp tags. Hate the game, not the player. I was just wondering if in fact there were any outfitters from the area I am most familar with at the show and if they were handing out 8x10's.

Maybe now, since you asked me specifically, you now know where I stand. No need to assume in the future, just ask me.