2007 Montana Whitey #2


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
So, since I suck at elk hunting and didn't find a bull over 300 to kill, I decided to try my hand at mule deer hunting. Turns out I suck at that too. I actually had a few days to dedicate to muleys this week but slipped on an icy trail on my last mile out of day #1 and tweaked my knee. So, not only do I suck, but I'm also retarded (for slipping) and a big wuss for calling my hunt after the first day.
I thought that was going to be it for the season for me (which would be okay, since I shot a decent whitey already and a decent antelope) but I got out today after some elk and found this little guy. He's not great, but I saw his brow tines and coupling that with him being not too far from my truck (If I have to drag anything very far the maxi-pads fall of my knee) made for him being in danger of a 180 grain bullet.
So, here's a pic. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.


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I think that buck thinks you suck as well, he's sticking his tongue out at you. That aside nice buck. Isn't it great to live in Montana where a guy can be a wuss, retarded, lame, and suck, and still kill a buck like that. ;)
Hey, who said anything about being lame? :D I always forget about the tongue for my field pics, I'll have to put a sticky note on my camera next year so that I think about it. You do have to love Montana, it definitely caters to "special" people. ;)
Hey Spitz, don't know if this will help you or not, but I have gotten in the habit of just cutting the tongue off before I start taking photos or doing anything else. That way I don't have to worry about it. Yeah it's a little gruesome hacking the tongue off right away, but heck the deer, elk, bear...whatever doesn't need it anymore. Makes for much nicer photos. That is a purty buck you killed, how does he stack up against some of the others you have on the wall?
that is a good buck! Congratulations! I really enjoy the white stuff.
Cutting the tongue out......good idea!
....but I have gotten in the habit of just cutting the tongue off before I start.......

What BigSky doesn't say, is what he does with it :confused: ....:eek:

Can't complain on a dink like that. Kudos on a Nice buck. Glad you didn't soak the Maxi-pads.
Moosie, of course I didn't say what I do with the tongue afterwards...I didn't want to ruin the surprise for you on Christmas morning. ;)
Thanks for the comments guys. Big Sky, this buck is middle of the road, I've killed some worse and I've killed some better. I'm happy with him though since it's the last weekend of the hunt and I thought my hunting was over for the season.
I like the tongue cutting idea. I've heard of people using rubber bands on them, but never have one with me. I'll just cut it next time and save it for Big Sky or Moosie, whoever wants it. Although I bet Miller or Schmalts could put it to good use too. :D
Although I bet Miller or Schmalts could put it to good use too. :D
Careful now lickbag.:D I heard you and Schmatzzie were swappin' spit earlier this week, don't be sucking me in on your freaky field habits.;) :D

As Sky mention, I also usually just cut the tongue out or you can just push it down the deer's mouth (the deer's tongue you sicko).:D

Carry on...and nice buck by the way.

By the way, your sister called, she wants her stocking cap back.
"I'll just cut it next time and save it for Big Sky or Moosie, whoever wants it. "

Moosie can have it, I don't want it.
Nice buck for a closet homo. Next year just remember, you can get a knee brace(tampax and or kotex) and continue to elk hunt like a real man:D
Nice deer. As suggested, it could be that you live in the right spot...to have ALL those many problems and STILL come through in the end. Well done.
The deer was killed on the absolute easiest deer hunt I've ever had. Hardly had to get out of the pickup, I'd even go so far as to say the hunt was Greenhornesque. :D

I think it's the lucky stocking cap that got me into the deer. Miller's just jealous that I can pull off such style in the outdoors while he's gotta get his dog in the pics to draw the attention away from his ugly mug. And Miller, I figured my sister would be calling, she probably wanted to gloat that your buck was bigger than mine, plus, word is she needs a new house elf. :D
Careful now lickbag.:D I heard you and Schmatzzie were swappin' spit earlier this week, don't be sucking me in on your freaky field habits.;) :D


Miller, I didnt meet up with him.... I avoided him after hearing that you had first hand knowledge of why he is called "spitz"
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