Caribou Gear

2002 Javelina Pics


New member
Sep 5, 2002
Finally getting around to posting some pics. Here are some archery Javelina my buddy Wes and I shot this January. Not much of a story on these guys. In AZ archery deer and archery javelina both run the full month of January. We pretty much just hunt deer and wait until we stumble upon some pigs which is how we shot both these guys. I missed 3 shots in about 5 minutes. Notice I have only 1 arrow left!:D

Here is mine


Here is Wes


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-16-2002 16:38: Message edited by: FEW ]</font>
So how do those things taste? I take it Del doesn't care for them, by his post under the game meat topic. ;) Nice pics, Few!

They dont taste real good in general but if you crock pot it or do the pit cook thing over night it is good. I have had sausage and jerky made from it which tastes just like any other pretty much. I wouldnt eat a javelina steak or ground meat but the sausage and slow cooking methods with lots of flavor are good by me.
Suffice it to say that they taste pretty much like they smell......and they don't call them stink pigs for nothing....

In the middle of their back, they have a musk gland. It's used as a social thing... Quite common to see pigs from the same family group standing around and rubbing each others musk gland with thier snout. They can't see for squat, so they identify each other by scent. This stuff would make any skunk or weasel proud.. It's really strong and nasty..Get a little on the meat and the taste of the musk will premeate the entire pig.

Let’s put it this way if you get a pig...

get out an old crusty cutting board and slap that pig down on it. First cut off the two front legs, de-bone them and put into bags. Next cut all the meat off the ribs spine and neck and put that into one bag. Next cut both rear legs meat into little cubes and put into another bag. Gather up all the bags and toss them into a large trashcan. Take that crusty cutting board cut into strips that look like steaks and bar-b-q for at least 12 hours and serve to your friends with lots of beer. They won't know the difference....

I got a couple of Javelina in TX last spring. We removed the musk gland immediately. I put one roast and a can of mushroom soup and a bottle of barbecue sauce in a crock pot and cooked for 11 hours. It tasted OK.


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