Caribou Gear

18 1/2 hr. elk hunt


Active member
Jun 8, 2010
Left home at 5 a.m. Thrursday shot this guy at 12:30, boned and packed him out and home by 11:30 p.m. Was going to be a 3 day hunt, but worked on Friday so I could save a day of vacation for another hunt. Every once in a while it all just comes together. I just wish I would have had that vintage red backpack I used in Alaska. I was stuck using my Cabela's packframe.

I had planned to hold out for a real big bull, but I just can't walk away from herd with this kind of bull. I asked Breaks Runner if he would hunt with me next year. I'll carry my bow he can carry my quiver and give an arrow only when we see that 350+ bull.


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Nice I would not have thought twice I would have had to shoot that bull also great job!
He'll never walk in front of me withut getting a poke.... and if Breaks Runner has my quiver, he better be Running, because I'm comin for an arrow! :0)
Really nice bull, I'll echo some of the others comments, that bull would never get a pass from me. Congrats.
Uffda, that is a great bull. What a season you are having. Hope it continues. Congrats.