09 Wyoming deer


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Got back last night from elk hunting and decided to head out for a Friday and a Saturday morning hunt for deer.

Set the alarm this morning for 4 a.m. and didnt really feel like climbing out of bed, but with only a day and a half to hunt, figured I better.

I went to my first choice spot right at daylight and saw 17 deer including two bucks, one was a small 4 point. I also saw two really nice bull elk. Also found about the best elk shed I've ever found while glassing the sage. I just saw two tines sticking out of the sage and walked down to pick it up, assuming a raghorn. I was a little excited that it was better than a raghorn.

Got a message from Oak that he was in the "neighborhood" and had killed a nice buck. So, we chatted for a while and went to another spot I thought would be good. I was wrong about that, all I saw were a half dozen does, but I did glass some likely looking country out in the distance that didnt have any roads and was real broken.

So I headed out that direction and parked my truck to head into that country. I didnt make it far when I happened to glass up a buck feeding. I quickly judged him and with time running out for my Wyoming season...I decided to take him.

Anyway, heres my deer for 2009.


Another look:


One last one with the elk shed I found. Too bad he has such short main beams.

Great buck, Buzz, Heck of a shed also. That is the way to make the most of your time.
Thats a heck of a shed!!!! NIIIICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Is that a bullet hole in it toward the back or just chew marks???

Nice buck as well!
Great buck and shed Buzz. Your freezer has got to be approaching full.
Now thats a good day in the field; a nice buck and a monster elk shed. Congrats Buzz
Buzz, you make hunting seem way to easy.Great pics and buck,congratulations.
Very nice, congrats!! May I be lucky enough to have a season that short with those kinds of results!

PS- Were you "running" the 7mag?

Yep, I was running the 7mm this season.

I missed the first thing I shot at with it this year, a smallish buck antelope. Shot right over him. Since then, I've shot 4 antelope...100, 120, 100, and 60 yards, 3 deer, 170, 260, and 100 yards...and one elk at 50 yards...without a miss.

I hope to not miss at least 2 more elk and 3 more deer with it this year. I suppose if I do my part and find some good animals...the rifle wont let me down.

Good luck on your upcoming elk hunt.
Good deal! When you getting your 338 back? If I were you, I'd be hard pressed to not try to fill one of those deer tags with the 6mm. It needs some love... ;)

Thanks for the good luck wishes! You've met me and seen me shoot, so you KNOW that I need some luck! :D
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