Your thoughts?

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his/her life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America ", for an amount of "up to and including my life."

That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.

-- Author Unknown
I understand it and thank god my check wasnt cashed. Unfortunately alot have been.
No Fred, atleast I dont read it that way. All its saying is that folks who do enlist basically write a blank check to give up there life for there service. you can also include LEO's and fire fighters and anybody else whos job can put them in harms way.
I agree Calif. When I signed up I knew that I could get killed. We were then taught that we must follow orders from a superior. Many don't understand that with a completely volunteer military these young men and women should know of the risk and accept that it may happen.

I met a young man that enlisted after 9/11 and then got upset because he received orders to deploy....he didn't think we would go to war (DUH).
I have no honor cause if they started a draft for the present day "war" I would not want my sons go. I'm ashamed to say that but that's how I feel. But I know my sons would go cause they have honor.
Maybe it is a way for people who were in the service to try and "collect interest" on that check for years and years to come, always feeling like people owe them something for a job they did when they were 18 years old.
I admire those that served, for serving, but some of them don't know when to let the past be the past. Like the guy that came up with the quote at the top of this page.
try and "collect interest" on that check for years and years to come, (Jose)

Is not the product of said '18 year olds' military service 'interest' the citizenry collects...hopefully for 'years and years to come'?
Semper Fi, i.e. always faithfull!!!? The Marine Corps, they're usually the first ones in, right?

Many thanks to many fallen and living soldiers who have given for us to have the life that we have, every minute of every day, past, present and future.
try and "collect interest" on that check for years and years to come, (Jose)

Is not the product of said '18 year olds' military service 'interest' the citizenry collects...hopefully for 'years and years to come'?

Was there anything more pathetic than a bunch of 50 year old dudes trying to discredit John Kerry because of their inability to MoveOn in life and worry about issues facing this nation in THIS century?

Today, we have thousands of US soldiers dying in THIS war because of THIS president, and you have old "check writers" more worried about THAT war, in THAT century, mismanaged by some dead President.

Sometimes, people need to MoveOn.

Reminds me of the other great New Jersey-ite (besides Whiskers) and his song on Glory Days....

I had a friend was a big baseball player
Back in high school
He could throw that speedball by you
Make you look like a fool boy
Saw him the other night at this roadside bar
I was walking in, he was walking out
We went back inside sat down had a few drinks
But all he kept talking about was

Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days
Yea lets all pay homage to George Soros & the awe inspiring sloganism of about bumper sticker philosophy.
The answers from many on here are predictable.

Jose, for example. Tell me how much interest the dead ones are collecting, Jose?

How much have you ever extended or risked for someone else, or "the greater good?" Or do you just suck up what others provide? Obviously, you are too smart to waste your time serving - let the common folk do the heavy lifting. ;)

pa mtn man - I fully agree. I would not want my son to serve in the present "war."
Yea lets all pay homage to George Soros & the awe inspiring sloganism of about bumper sticker philosophy.

Would it be better if I was like your fellow Texan and threw out some Latin slogan?

I am guessing there is a reason most of you Texans are All Hat and No Cattle....

'cept for the ones Tom kills and then asks what they were.....
The answers from many on here are predictable.

Jose, for example. Tell me how much interest the dead ones are collecting, Jose?

How much have you ever extended or risked for someone else, or "the greater good?" Or do you just suck up what others provide? Obviously, you are too smart to waste your time serving - let the common folk do the heavy lifting. ;)

pa mtn man - I fully agree. I would not want my son to serve in the present "war."

You proved my point. You are still more worried about the Past, and when YOUR president botched up THIS war, you now agree that you wouldn't want your son to serve in a war as mis-managed by the President who was too big of a coward to serve in Vietnam.

You hated and voted against Kerry who served with Honour and was decorated for his Heroics, and you voted for Dubya and Cheney who were pretty much the epitome of Privelege and avoiding any service.

Then, 40 years later, you are out being defined by anonymous authors who write about "blank checks".....
always feeling like people owe them something for a job they did when they were 18 years old.

thats gratitude for ya!
Would it be better if I was like your fellow Texan and threw out some Latin slogan?

I am guessing there is a reason most of you Texans are All Hat and No Cattle....

'cept for the ones Tom kills and then asks what they were.....

...maybe you could send one of your state's esteemed representatives to the white house....just don't let them fly thru Minnesota.

btw, why are you plagiarizing 280?
Those blank checks have created a country where you are able to say what you like without reprisals except from places like this board

Whether any one actually collects on them or not, at least they were earned, which is more than "most" on the welfare system can say

Because one never served, doesn’t mean they can’t back those who have, that’s what makes the difference between some who have took up arms and those who haven’t

It's amazing how so many intelligent people can discount the positive our armed forces have done for this country

I would guess if cognitive thought replaced the emotional portion of what is going on as was the case in the past before Vietnam, a different outcome would be prevalent in American society

I would also say that even if some of you don’t believe in what is going on in the world today that we have our fingers in, if your sons or daughters were to sign on, you would still back their decision as it is theirs and not yours

Only those who don’t respect the decisions of their children will act in an ill fashion
PEAX Trekking Poles

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