Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Wyoming game bag rules?


Oct 12, 2010
Harris MN
Buddy was talking to a game warden in Wyoming and he said we need to look into rules about how far away game bags need to be hung from other camps, and that food bags need to be hung at certain hieght also. Is this true or not, I don't plan on being too close to anyone out there but are there rules I did not see?
It is likely National Forest rules rather than G&F rules. I know they make recommendations, but I'm not aware of any specific rules? I do know that some of the NF have specific rules regarding food storage.
Oak's got it.

Some of the National Forests have food storage orders in attempts to reduce conflicts between bears and humans. Check the website of the National Forest or BLM district where you'll be hunting and they will have that info on line.

Also, don't take the Doritos into the tent. Bears love Doritos.
Last Friday evening, I’m stumbling around looking for a place to set up my tent. Me and this bear come nearly face to face in the aspens. I'm thinking, this retard young bear is going to go to my tent while I'm out hunting tomorrow and stick a claw in my tent and rip it back to have a looksee…………………..$300 down the drain.

So off I go chasing said bear and woofing at him. He keeps stopping and looking back like WTF? Chased him 200 yards or so. He was still looking over his shoulder like I was a maniac.

And the Doritos in the tent were wonderful!! Still can never leave the original flavor.
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