PEAX Equipment

Wyoming elk round 1


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Spent the last 5 days in the area I hunt when I have a general tag. I drew a LQ area that starts later in the year, but I drew a type 6 cow tag for the area. Also, a good friend from Montana drew a general tag and came down to hunt.

Spent the first day just getting camp set up and met with the older guys I usually hunt with. They have all been friends for years and have hunted this same country since 1969. Even though they're all in their 70's they still hunt the wilderness every year and are well past consistant in the elk killing business.

Opening day we all spread out and hunted different areas. Right at daylight I ran into a 310 or so 6x6 that stood around and looked at me from 50 yards. He put on quite the show bugling several times...a real nice bull for the area. My buddy from Montana ran into a herd of 30 or so and took a 4x4 bull from that. I dont have pictures of that bull.

I decided to work my way over to help my buddy with his elk but figured I slip through some heavy timber and see what I could find. I hadnt gone far when a nice 5x5 bull walked past me at 25 yards. He walked on by and never knew I was there. About 15 minutes later I caught movement in front of me and a nice cow was slowly feeding through the timber at 40 yards or so. I figured since I had a cow tag and all...and was pretty close to camp...why not? One quick shot later and I had my cow, which is the 50th elk I've shot.


We met up with the rest of the crew and they had all seen elk, including a couple nice 6x6 bulls but nothing close enough.

The next day we went in to pack our elk while my older buddies hunted. We heard some shooting and sure enough both George and Jerry had killed elk.

My buddy Joe and I got our elk back to camp and then went to help them with their elk and had all the elk back to camp by about 4 pm:

Jerry with his elk. I was too slow getting there before Jerry started working up the elk for packing:


George with his:


Jerry with George's elk (he wanted a better picture than the ones of him and his elk).


The next morning at 10:00 AM Ron came walking into camp with a grin that can only mean one thing...and thats more elk to pack:


A picture of Ron and I and a hunt I wont forget. Couldnt ask for a better group of guys to hunt with. Great attitudes, great hunters, and first class all the way. I cant wait to hunt and pack elk for them again:

That is an awesome story, I leave next Friday for the breaks, for some muleys and cow elk. I am hoping our trip turns out similar to yours.
50!? Congrats, I'm really gonna have to step it up if I ever want to get close to that number.
Sounds like you boys had some fun up there. Good for you. Also sounds like a lot of packin'......:D
That is a pile of protein. I love hunting with people that could give a chit about bone and are looking to stack em up.

P.S. Although I am waiting for round 2;)
Guessing with that group there were some stories to be told in evening. Myself, that is what I live for, hearing from somebody older than I am.
Great pics and sounds like the best camp pals to enjoy time with. Aside from those great family events, you sure have the next best setting.

Several years back I ran into a couple "sage" minded gents who dropped an elk. They were frustrated aa someone thought it wise to take their game cart they parked behind a tree. Gave them a hand packing it out. Bumped into them the next couple years at their camp spot and had great times... more listening then yapping. Some really enjoyable occasions. Jim Beam was my donation. I'll leave the rest to some great memories.

Grats to you, your MT friend, and your gents success. Thanks for sharing pics n story!

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