PEAX Equipment

Wolf day

Fitting name for today. I took a hike up in the area where you guys filmed your first week of wolf hunting tonight, and enjoyed dinner while watching a single grey wolf through the spotting scope.

Look forward to getting home tomorrow and checking out the episode on the DVR.
The politics does get tiresome, but if everybody takes the attitude of 'I just like to hunt...I will take what I can get and I don't complain anymore,' then that means leaving it up to someone else to 'fight the good fight.' Trouble is, the person who takes on that role might not have your best interests at heart.

We'd all like it if we could hunt without the bs involved involved with the antis, access, etc but that's just not the reality of it anymore. If everyone doesn't stand up, at least once in a while, to fight for it - there won't be anything left to fight for. Just my 2¢.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

Thanks Randy for doing something, and for doing it tastfully, and "politically" enough for non hunters to appreciate. I think its wildly important to be educational(or so called political) for us to continue the hunting heritage we embrace. We are the minority, and if we can't find a way to educate and relate to the non hunting public on why what we do is important to conservation, it will cease to exist. That "political" side of this wolf hunt is extremely vital.

I'm sure it'd be much easier to do it as just "hunting" for the sake of killing a wolf, but how much worse will that look to the outsiders. Whether its what you want to watch or not, its important.

Appreciate it.

Thanks Randy for trying to put good face on us unwashed scrubs.
A two part series???? You should have run a special hour long show! The suspense is gonna kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
Well done, I appreciated the commentary and your approach.

My wife who never watches hunting programming but supports the outdoor life style fully and does not really hunt herself except an occasional turkey hunt really enjoyed the episode and found it enlightening.
Great episode Randy. I think it would be impossible to do a Montana wolf hunt show, and not be political. I tought your message was clear, and just common sense. I think any non-hunter would have found the show enlightening. My son watched it with me, and loved every minute. Your matter-of-factness made him laugh several times just thinking about what the anti's reaction would be to your statements.
OK, was it just me or was some of the show green screen? I think part one was way to political, but what ever...Hope part two is a bit more about hunting and not so much political stuff.
Seems to me that this is and always will be a very political topic. IMO the story needs to be told...not just bits and pieces but the whole thing...Great job Randy...I admire the stance you took on the topic and agree with you 100%. I try to keep up on the wolf issue the best I can but being 3000 or so miles from Montana I do not get the info some of you locals might get.Thanks Randy for being one of us. I may never get to hunt a wolf but I support your efforts 100%. Looking forward to next weeks episode.....:cool:
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Randy you seemed a bit fired up. Love the comment about not being able to manage a rabbit. I thought you did a good job explaining how we saved the habitat from development. That is the key message that can help people connect. Had we not stepped up there would be no elk and if there was no elk the reintro of woofies would have never happened.

Looking forward to next week.
Randy you seemed a bit fired up.

That's an understatement. I thought he was going to need a rabies shot. :D

Well done Randy, has me thinking about either dusting a rifle off or finally shooting that 5 year old new muzzleloader for one of those critters.
Randy, I think the show turned out great. I really like the amount of education you snuck in. We need as many well spoken politically correct wolf hunters on TV as we can get.
Randy, very well done! Good thing we have a guy like you who can put two sentences together and still be able to make your point without *going off*.
Finally got some time to pull the show up on the DVR this afternoon. Very well done Randy, you continue to set the bar high. Thought it was a good mix of history, politics and reality. Looking forward to next weeks finale. Will be looking up the contact info for the proper follks at the Sportsmans Channel and thank them for having the cojones to allow Randy to speak the truth bluntly on such a controversial topic.
good show fin,,,Im gonna do my part and pick up a $33 non-res wolf tag while im in idaho on my elk hunt,just in case 1 happens along ,might get lucky.
Just watched it. Awesome. You guys got some really good footage to go along with the story being told. Can't wait for next week's.

Here's the one I had dinner with last night-
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