Witnessing first harvest


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
I'm sure most of us have experienced being a part someone else's first animal harvest. Two years ago I had the privilege of being right beside Gerald & his oldest daughter Olivia when she harvested her first elk (6x6 bull). I remember the intense pursuit the young lady was being taught by dad, the running, scrambling & climbing trying to get to this elk in the last minutes of shooting light. The heavy breathing, sweat, some tears & "I can't" were set aside when the moment of opportunity happened. Wittnessing the pain & struggles vanishing into pure elation at the moment of a young hunters first harvest is truly a blessing to be a part of.

Up next for me is Martin child #2, I'll be meeting up with Gerald & his boys for the Mt. elk archery opener. I'm looking for a repeat of being a part of another first harvest, this time watching Timothy take his first bull elk! Looking forward to another epic hunt!

So who's finding themselves in a position to be a part of someone else's first harvest this fall?
Leaving Saturday for a muzzleloader pronghorn hunt in Wyoming. Taking my son in law on his first ever big game hunt and first time shooting a M/Ler. My 12 YO grandson is going along as an observer. I also have a tag but am prepared to come home empty handed. Emphasis will be for the SIL to fill his tag. We are all stoked!

Aside from "be-ing the decoy" with an elk ensemble, I'd do just about anything to see a good friend and few years retired harvest his first elk, ever...
I might top his own excitement if he connected. Well, maybe not though darn close.
Add to that, I sure wouldn't mind getting back in the saddle with an elk myself...
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My little guy is 7 and I’m hoping we can put it together on a deer this fall for his first animal ever. If that doesn’t work out I’ve got a spot loaded with squirrels. I know it’s hunting, but I’m pretty sure the squirrels will be a sure thing. :)

Also taking my Dad to WY for his first hunt outside WI. Hoping the pronghorn will cooperate. With his situation we’re going to need a lot of luck . . . but hopefully.

Good luck to everyone with their firsts this fall!
I really enjoy helping friends and family more than myself pulling the trigger. I helped a bunch of friends and kids kill there first elk & other big game animals. Gonna help one of my closest friends kill a Bull in 113 this year and my girlfriends uncle kill a cow in another unit.
Taking my son on his first elk hunt this year in Montana. DIY archery hunt. Also going to pick up my cousin along the way out, who has never harvested an elk. Hoping to get them on some, and at least giving them the chance for a harvest. I've taken a few with a bow, and the thrill is something to remember and cherish for a long time, usually forever. Just to get them the opportunity will be rewarding enough for me, even if I don't get a chance. Good luck to all this season, safe travels and safe hunting.
I watched my girlfriend shoot her first ever turkey . Still one of the best hunts Ive ever been on . Videod as well .


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