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Who watches Myth busters?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
man i love that show, and that one chick is hot! Anyway there are a few times that i dont quite agree with there testing methods. They did the one to see if it was possible for one sniper to shoot down another snipers scope and they said it was busted. I dont agree because they were shooting into modern large variable scopes rather than the tiny little fixed power scopes that most snipers would have used in WW2-nam area. Anyone else see that one? The one that i thought was cool is a couple weeks ago they did a bunch of firearmrelated myths. I guess if you have someone shooting at you the best thing to do is jump in a lake and dive down a few feet!
I saw the scope one as well! I agree, the multiple lenses in a variable should deflect a bullet different than a fixed power. They also didn't state what kind of bullet they were using. It didn't appear to a FMJ... Missed the one today about a hurricane force wind blowing the feathers off a chicken! I could've tested that out but would have required a drive to Havre... :D
Yeah schmalts, I saw the one where they were shooting into the scope. I was surprised with the results as well. Dang, the movie Sniper has lost all its luster for me now.

I only caught a glimpse of the firearm special but I did see one once where they fired a few different guns into the swimming pool. It may have been the same show you were referring to. Definitely interesting.

One thing I do have to say is that they do have pretty cool jobs.
yea, that would be a cool job. The sniper scope one they were using a .308 but they did not say the type of bullet. I was shocked that it still didnt penetrate the scopes they were using, but they did go in pretty far.
I would like to see them do this one.. Or maybe someone here can do it with thier kids. My mother-inlaw says you can make ice cubes faster by filling the trays with hot water. I say Bullship on that one. Anyone ever try that one out?
Hows about when they were shooting into water with a number of different types of guns... The 50 cal was a big splash
My mother-inlaw says you can make ice cubes faster by filling the trays with hot water. I say Bullship on that one. Anyone ever try that one out?

That's true in some cases. A lot depends on the initial temperatures of the two waters being frozen, too. It's called the Mpemba Effect. "This strange phenomenon was described by the likes of Aristotle, Bacon, and Descartes, yet is named after the Tanzanian high-school student who demonstrated it in 1969. The Mpemba effect only occurs under very specific sets of conditions and is still not completely understood."

Now, you think you know how to hunt and you don't know the story of the sniper shot thru the scope? Here's the greatest hunter of all:

The sniper shot thru the scope comes from the biography of Carlos Hathcock, the legendary Marine sniper. Everyone should read that book, it's great. It's called "Marine Sniper". That's where they got the idea for the scene in Saving Private Ryan.

Here's a little about it: " Marine Sniper is not only one of the most astonishing true stories to emerge from the Vietnam War, it has become a classic of military nonfiction, inspiring a sequel, Silent Warrior: The Marine Sniper's Vietnam Story Continues.

There have been many Marines. There have been many marksmen. But there has only been one Sergeant Carlos Hathcock. A legend in the Marine ranks, Hathcock stalked the Viet Cong behind enemy lines-on their own ground. And each time he emerged from the jungle having done his duty. His record is one of the finest in military history, with 93 confirmed kills.

This is the story of a simple man who endured incredible dangers and hardships for his country and his Corps. These are the missions that have made Carlos Hathcock a legend in the brotherhood of Marines."

Here's more: "There is a nod to Hathcock in the movie, Saving Private Ryan. Steven Spielberg stated, "the idea of a sniper putting a bullet through another sniper's scope came from the true story of Carlos Hathcock, who killed a Vietcong sniper who was stalking him by putting a bullet through the sniper's scope."

Read these links for some incredible facts about Hathcock. Then go get the books.
Yep Schmalts its a cool show... they blow up shit Bic lighters/light bulbs on or off for energy use... test 45 cal shooting thru the silver dollar......Its entertaining as well as educational.

Fits my "Street Science" mentality.hump :D

Anyone see the ww11 test of the guy that fell out of the bomber? supposedly saved by a bomb blast heading back from the ground [ breaking his fall]... we know that one was B.S. but the testing was great:)
Ithaca, I read Hathcock's book and was pretty impressed with his shooting abilities. I don't recall the setup he was using but thought it was a 300 winmag or something like that. At any rate, I'm sure the shot is plausible. It would be nice to have further testing done with equipment from those days, that's for sure. Maybe they will revisit that myth if there were enough viewer responses to do so.
I have never seen the show, but my friend watches it. He came in my shop a few weeks ago and said he saw where they proved that hitting two hammers together is safe. I told him that's bullchit cause I proved they would chip over 35 years ago when I didn't listen to my father. Again.
What did he do, hit you in the noggin with the hammer and not listening? That would break any hammer:D
schmalts, being a R & D man for HarleyD, isn't busting myths a big part of your job discription?:cool:
hey man ive done that quit picking on us slow

ya ive seen the show its pretty cool and schmalts is right. that chicks a
hey man ive done that quit picking on us slow

ya ive seen the show its pretty cool and schmalts is right. that chicks a

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