Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Whats Your Favorite "Hacks"

Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and liquid dish detergent mix for dogs that provoke skunks.

Another good one....Bath with tomato juice for dog owners that follow their dog too close when an unexpected provoke happens. My parents let me sleep inside that night so I can testify it works.
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Another use for WD 40. We were fishing a mountain lake not expecting the temperature to be in the 30's as well as the wind speed. The fog was so thick we could hardly see the lake. If we couldn't get a fire going we would have to call it quits but we had nothing dry for tinder. My buddy pulled out his lighter and a can of WD 40 and before the can was empty we had a beautiful warming fire going.
Another one here for WD-40...cleaned crayons and whatever else the kids managed to mark up the TV with off a flatscreen like a charm
After election and hail seasons, I round up the corregated plastic signs from my neighbors' because they work well as backing for shooting targets.

I ended up with some of those plastic signs as well. They are easy to take to hunt camp to ensure your rifle is still on. Just slide a couple under a camper cusion along with the metal rods and they don't take up any room. Works pretty well! (y)
I too use Dawn dish soap for oil and grease stains. Also use it to wet tumble my brass for reloading.
I’ve successfully removed tree sap from clothes using hand sanitizer and a finger nail scrub brush.
I ended up with some of those plastic signs as well. They are easy to take to hunt camp to ensure your rifle is still on. Just slide a couple under a camper cusion along with the metal rods and they don't take up any room. Works pretty well! (y)

Cut out and airbrushed, those signs make great mallard silhouettes. I’ve had some of the best mallard shoots of my life over a small army of free DIY silhouettes.
Fish tank heater works great and a lot cheaper. You can also find them used on Craigslist for 10 to 25 bucks
I bet that works too, just slower. Getting the water to 140F, I can have the skull clean in the amount of time it takes to cook a pot roast. For a $60 machine, it pays for itself about 4 times every year. Also, no stink with sous vide. Much stink with maceration.
I bet that works too, just slower. Getting the water to 140F, I can have the skull clean in the amount of time it takes to cook a pot roast. For a $60 machine, it pays for itself about 4 times every year. Also, no stink with sous vide. Much stink with maceration.
Fish tank heater works great and a lot cheaper. You can also find them used on Craigslist for 10 to 25 bucks

Sous vide isn't maceration.

Essentially there are 3 ways of cleaning a skull; manual removing of flesh via some sort of dermestid, the use of heat to denature meat aka cooking, or the use of bacteria aka maceration.

Fish tank heaters are enabling maceration as opposed to sous vide which is actually cooking. The main difference being use of degreasers. Typically if you use a fish tank heater you actually screw up the process by using a degreaser as it kills the bacteria which are doing the cleaning. In sous vide you are cooking so you can add oxiclean or the like and combine the degreasing and cleaning steps as the heat is what is breaking down the flesh.

Lots of ways to clean a skull, sous vide is preferable if you don't have a garage, shed, etc as there is little to no smell.
When your wife asks , "Where the hell have you been all week? We have stuff that needs to get done around here! ", tell her you were having an affair and ran off with a stripper. That way, when you finally tell her the truth and that you were off deer hunting, it won't seem as bad.
When your wife asks , "Where the hell have you been all week? We have stuff that needs to get done around here! ", tell her you were having an affair and ran off with a stripper. That way, when you finally tell her the truth and that you were off deer hunting, it won't seem as bad.

Haha...have a good bud who actually let a stripper give him a pricey awful haircut....when his wife asked he told her the truth. She said, don't lie to me you went to the mall and got one of those cheap student cuts. He didn't argue.

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