PEAX Equipment

What does this Score ?!??!

Man does she look pissed...

you think she would have a smile on her face holding that much bone...
I give her a 6 maybe seven.

they talk about a deer rack, I thought thats what they were selling but couldnt find it.

You think she would have a smile on her face holding that much bone...

Old mother Hubbard went to the cubbard to give her poor dog a bone. When Hubbard bent over Rover drove her
cause Rover had a bone of his own! ;)
Sorry, couldn't resist it. I would have to say a six with deductions from the frown and tan lines :D
As of now, she's got 1425 hits and met her reserve. A little ivory would increase her value. Woulda been nice to see 'er in velvet.

Nonetheless, she's a White-tailed Dear!
No more than a 6. The layout is ok, but the presentation is poor. The look on her face goes beyond frown and rates very close to scowl. The rack is mediocre. The antlers are OK too. Not worth $100.00 though..

It almost looks like hiliary clinton ...... :(

... ;)

Is a crappy picture. there is a Wedding photo in the background. She should be smiling. She looks like a 2 bit whore that her Crack Daddy is offering a Free hit if she holds the Rack.

(Hope it's not someones Wife that posts here.. If so Let me know So I can say "Just Kidding" ... :eek:
Cameron, I'm about 2 1/2 hours north of Green Valley. I believe that's south of Tucson going toward Nogales. Seems we drove through there on our way to Arivaca to hunt whitetail.

You come on down. I'm not much for bird hunting, but I have a couple of friends who are. Who knows? If I lose my Prairrie Poodle hunting area, I might just become a feather collector.. In any event, drop a line when you get close and we'll hook up for coffee or beer or something..

Oh, and be sure to shoot all the elk you want before you come. It may be a while, after you get here,before you get another tag.


[ 10-15-2004, 07:09: Message edited by: danr55 ]
It looks like she hate those antler's .
Seeing the wedding pictrues Ill bet it went something like .
New Wife -----I wont allow those nasty things to be put up in MY house.
Husband----But honey ,it's art ,and I worked hard to get them.
Wife----No sex for you till those are out of MY house.
Husband----OK but you have to pose with them and try to prend that you like it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
camron hunt you have mail.... (edit) well your email don't worky... shoot me one if ya got time and I'll help ya with Green Valley. (done edit) I live in Tucson and just wanted to send ya a welcome to AZ before ya get here.

Oh and ya got to let us know if these fine folks put anything else up for bid... I'd like to see it if anything.


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