Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

What do you Drink....

My coffee is a mountain dew, have a couple of those a day. Various juices as well as water. The fifteen pound thing with pop is true. I know a girl who quit pop alltogether and without any working out lost 20. If I am being good when I work out I only drink one dew a day.
Diet Mountain Dew. Tried to stop drinking pop a couple of years ago. But I failed. So I settled for a switch to diet.
Breakfast is only coffee, Then in the office I keep just bottled water in the fridge for me, I have pretty much quit the pop, some afternoons I will have a late cup of coffee but usually stick to water.

When I get home I usually have at least one glass of wine, usually two before supper. If work has gone badly I will have a couple of bottles of wine:D , Just water with supper usually. My kids drink alot of iced tea all year long, they don't usually drink pop or Koolaid.

I enjoy beer as much as anyone but just can't pound it down like I used.:(

Water, juice every now and then, and milk with dinner. Have a soda about twice a week.
Coffee and cranberry juice with breakfast. Usually a diet coke or pepsi with lunch. I like a beer with dinner, usually a light beer like Heineken Light. Water in between meals.

Delw I have to watch my sugar intake to a minimum so I get my Diet Coke an then Water. When I was down south got the Sweat tea but the sugar is what kills me. I can tell you that quitting beer I dropped 20 pounds.
2 or 3 bottles of Green tea a day, down to maybe one diet coke or pepsi a day, 1 glass of milk with dinner and a couple glasses or a bottle of water a day. Sometimes regular iced tea in place of the diet soda.
For Breakfast... usually a few cups of coffee. For lunch and throughout the day it's almost always water and lots of it. Even for dinner I prefer a nice large glass of ice water, but after dinner it's a nice sifter full of ice with about three fingers of Makers Mark. At least two.
A berry protien shake in the Bullet for my morning meal.
Coffee at the office (too much).
1/2 gallon of Option after the gym and for dinner.
Probably need to drink more water.
I start the day with a couple cups of coffee...take a gallon of water with me in the truck, usually fill it up midday...evening is wine, water or milk with dinner..and if we have oj in the house, I'll take a couple swallows from the jug before I head to bed
While I work a crazy shift(6:30 pm to 7am.) Caffeine is the order of the night. Coffee and strong with a Diet Dr.Pepper thrown in.

Lately at home I have thrown in some V8 Splash,orange juice and lemonade in addition to coffee and diet soda.
Coffee...2 cups in morning M-F...3rd cup Sa/Su.
Ice Tea when out to dinner
A rare soda or NRG drink
Water, water, gets HOT here! hump
Propel after the gym
Caribou Gear

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