Kenetrek Boots



Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
DS's Friend from AK that helped him on the Sheep hunt that I've talked to Via Email re-registered. Just wanted to See what a Warm Welcome Back to the House of Moosie's We could give him....


(PS, Tell DS we miss him...
Thanks for the welcome!
Im in the Air Force and have spent the last 9 years in Alaska. Plan on retiring there next year, but Uncle Sam thought it was pertinent I spend my last year here in Missouri. So they spent a bunch of money to send me and my stuff here for a year and will spend it again to send me back home next year.
Making the best of it though. Doin the Whitetail thing right now with the bow. Will be doin an elk hunt with DS next month. Just not the same as Dall Sheep in AK!
Hey buddy......heard you were hunting for me. My e-mail is [email protected]

Pack yer shit.....only a couple of weeks or so until we pack it in for the elk hunt. It will be Rink's first elk well as my brother and his friend Ray's first elk hunt. These boys are in for a surprise....they think it is about like hunting whiteys
....should make for an interesting camp breaking in 3 newbys!
Thanks Bill......all is about as good as I could hope for. Moving is never easy, and I think I will nestle in for a while. This next hunt is the one I have been waiting for all year.....ever since Dan (Anaconda) and I drug 4 elk and a muley down the mountain last what a fun hunt!!!!!!
Welcome aboard Rink !
Good luck on the elk hunt, it's a great time in some wonderful country. If Mark starts driving his truck too far up that road, just ask him what happened the last time he tried it!

Another tip, if DS walks around the front of a horse to "have a talk with it" do NOT stand behind the horse.
Thanks all for the welcome.
Really lookin forward to this elk hunt! Im sure it will be one hell of an adventure with some of the best guys Ive ever hunted with.
DS Ive already got my shit packed. Im ready!!
I have to go to New Mexico from the 13th til 18th (AIR FORCE). Ill e-mail ya when I get back. In the mean time, send me some details. I know most of the details are classified, but Uncle Sam was gracious enough to give me a classified computer. Your secrets are safe with me. Is there anything special I need to bring?
Thanks for the pointers Anaconda.
Just your ass and a good attitude. This will be some tough ass hunting by any standards. I have the camp and the'll only need your personal gear.

I am still trying to talk Anaconda into to joining us!