Weird Question


Dick Reece

Of all animals classified as predators,what two bred together,if it were possible,would produce the most lethal predator known to man ? You can't include humans in the mix,this is not about beastiality,it's about what two you consider the most lethal and cunning.
Jaguar and a wolverine maybe with a bit of siberian tiger thrown in for size!
Mine would be a Weasel and a grizzly.Ever try to catch a weasel ?
a Raccoon and a Kodiac,
Now you are talkin about an animal that can open a door or knock it down, open a car door or role it over and shake it till ya fall out, swim like a fish or run as fast as a horse(for short distances)

Easy to catch but hard to get out of the trap

Sly now that you bring up the racoon I will agree, also goto the wierdest thing post. I will post in a second
I would say a Wolverine and a Cougar..
Here is an animal that can be extremely sneaky and viciouse....
Or a Polar bear and a Wolverine...
Here is some thing that will eat any thing, with "NO" fear and big enough to not be stopped!!!
Hows about a great white shark and a kodiac.
You didn't say it had to be a land animal.And that would be one mean mother of an animal.
I have to go along with Seldom. Indians said that if a weasle was the size of a coyote nothing in the woods would be safe. Logistics would be a problem, grizzly father and weasle mother could pose a problem with the delivery, really don't want to think about conception.
I once tried to catch a weasel on the asparagus ranch my grandfather ran for Del Monte in Stockton,California.They are mean as the devil and fast as lightning.Sneaky and quick,as slick and silent as any coyote.I can just imagine one as big as a grizzly or Alaskan Brown Bear,and the damage that would result.
I was shooting ground squirrels in Simi Valley with my bow once. A weasle popped up out of a squirrel burrow and I launched an arrow at it from only 10 feet away and it ducked it. It kept popping up and I kept shooting and it would duck the arrow. Never did hit it. Some dandy reflexes and speed.
There's another good one,Ronnie. I've only seen the tasmanian devil on TV,but they have a reputation much like the weasel for ferocity,don't they ?
A weasel that was the size of a cougar would be a ferocious beast indead, but if you add one or the other of an animal that even a griz will back down from, that is a badger or a wolverine. The quickness of a weasel and the meaness of a wolverine and make them the size of a good size couger and you would probably find less people crawling around in the mountains during hunting season....

You guys are all real good, but no one has mentioned the most ferocious killer and preditor in nature. What about a shrew crossed with a griz? Or maybe a colony of soldier ants the size of grizzly bears... Any thoughts about that??


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