Caribou Gear

Vortex Ranger 1300 vs Leupold RX-1200i Rangefinders


Active member
Feb 2, 2016
Im wanting to upgrade my rangefinder to a better quality model.
I'm currently using a cheap Halo model I've had for years.
It's got poor quality glass which makes it hard to locate animals when ranging sometimes. Also the black font is hard to see during low light conditions.

The main things I'm wanting are good glass, angle compensating, red font/oled display, and distant ranging function to shoot through brush. Im mainly going to be using this for archery so although I don't need those maximum distances, those features led me to the two models above.

From what I've read, the optics are comparable between these two models. The only complaints I've seen on the Leupold is the warranty is only for two years. Read several reviews of unhappy customers that said Leupold offered a discount to upgrade after two years but felt that was too much money for a product to only last two years. Those were not the norm. Vortex has their unconditional lifetime warranty even on electronics so that's a huge plus. For the vortex, there were lots of complaints about it being slower and taking 3 steps to range a target but they supposedly fixed both of those issues with this latest model.

Unfortunately I can't find any stores local that have these in stock to look at so I'm gonna have to order one sight unseen. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also feel free to recommend another model if you think something else would be more appropriate.
I have the leupold tbr 1200i and I love it. It has a red display which makes it very easy to read during daylight. The TBR feature is nice to have if you shoot at angles. My vote would be the leupold.
Between my sons and I, I've used the Leupold and Vortex, as well as Sig Kilo. My Leupold is a coiuple years old and my son's Vortex is new, but I think I prefer his Vortex; both work well. My other son has a Sig Kilo and I prefer using his over both of the others; fast readouts, very responsive scan mode, impressive distance capabilities. Of the ones we have, I prefer the Sig. I'd like to try Nikon's new image stabilized model, but don't know anyone that has one.
Between my sons and I, I've used the Leupold and Vortex, as well as Sig Kilo. My Leupold is a coiuple years old and my son's Vortex is new, but I think I prefer his Vortex; both work well. My other son has a Sig Kilo and I prefer using his over both of the others; fast readouts, very responsive scan mode, impressive distance capabilities. Of the ones we have, I prefer the Sig. I'd like to try Nikon's new image stabilized model, but don't know anyone that has one.

Why do you prefer your son's Vortex? Is his the new 2018 model?
I've heard good things about the SIG as well!
nhn2a, my son's Vortex is newer than my Leupold and I don't know if Leupold has made changes since mine or not, but the Vortex display was easier for me to read and seemed to be quicker getting readings. As I mentioned the Sig Kilo seemed faster than both the others, especially scanning. I'm not 'disappointed' in any of the rangefinders we have. I don't know anything about your Halo rangefinder, but comparing all the ones I've mentioned to the first few rangefinders I had ..... well the improvements are many and significant, I think you'll be happy with an upgrade.
I have used both the vortex and the Leupold. I own the Leupold. It is a touch faster than the vortex. The Leupold has only let me down once in 2 years, during a heavy, blowing snow shower it would not range a mature whitetail at about 225 yards. Not sure any of them would have to be honest though. I really like the Leupold.
I’m using a 2018 Vortex Ranger 1300. Thus far I like it. Can’t say I know anything about the Leupold 1200.
I have the Leupold and have used my buddy's Vortex one time, so take this for what it's worth. I really like my Leupold compared to the other cheaper rangefinders I have used such as Halo. I have had trouble ranging a large steel gong target at a little beyond a 1000 yards, although my other buddy's Leica was having trouble ranging it as well. The one thing I don't like about the Leupold is how how hard the button to range is. I feel it is not sensitive enough and find my self getting off target due to how hard I have to push down on it. The Vortex had a much softer and easier button to push, which allowed me to stay steadier when ranging. I didn't care for the optical quality of the Vortex and I wasn't as impressed with it's ranging ability compared to my Leupold. I was getting inaccurate readings from it multiple times until it would finally give me an accurate reading. Those are just my experiences with both brands. I like my Leupold other than the button issue, but I wish I would have known they were coming out with the RX-2800. I would have waited and purchased one of those instead.
I have been through 3 Leupold rangefinders in the past three years. Customer service on replacing them was abysmal with one exception because I pleaded about being on a sheep hunt. They have upgraded me the past two times. I won't be buying another one when I need to. If I were doing it today I would go Vortex without even thinking. However, my buddy is leaning towards the Sig. I'll let him be the guinea pig.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I ended up ordering a Vortex Ranger 1300. I'll update the post when I get it with my thoughts.
Returning my Vortex tomorrow as it crapped out on an antelope hunt. Suddenly won't range an animal over 200 yards. When the replacement comes it will be sold.

Had a leupold in the past, hated all the options and got rid of it.

Only rangefinder I have ever really been happy with is a Nikon, but it did not have the angle compensation.

Next up is Leica.
I have the Vortex 1500. Used it at the range several times, not yet hunted with it. I like the display readout and it picks up objects to range pretty easy. The warranty is unconditional but who wants to have to use a warranty. I'd give it a cautious recommendation due to the short time I've had it and not having hunted with it yet.
Does the Ranger 1300 compensate angles past 100 yards? Does it read in full yards or increments. Is it a single range mode or do you have to select bow or rifle?
I have the Vortex 1500. Used it at the range several times, not yet hunted with it. I like the display readout and it picks up objects to range pretty easy. The warranty is unconditional but who wants to have to use a warranty. I'd give it a cautious recommendation due to the short time I've had it and not having hunted with it yet.

For the warranty, it was a huge selling point for me due to all rangefinders having electronics. In the end, its not a question of if but when the electronics will fail and how they deal with it as none will last forever. As long they dont pull a bass pro and change their lifetime warranty after the fact to become an "expected lifetime warranty (i.e. 1 year on boots as thats their expected lifetime)" then it should be all right. Having a rangefinder that they will replace when that happens definitely left me feeling like money well spent assuming the rangefinder itself lives up to the positive reviews.
Love the vortex stuff but as hunting rangefinders Leupold was better, no question.
I got 1000 sales at the same price as the vortex. I was thinking of buying a vortex and I left with the Leupy.
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Got the $399 Leica today. This is another one of those "why didn't I do this sooner" moments. This is not in the same category as the Leupold or Vortex rangefinders that I have had to put it bluntly. Ranging realtor signs at 1500 yards was never even an option with the Leupold or Vortex, this does it first try. No more ranging the same thing over and over trying to get a reading. I am simply blown away at how well it works.

Anyone who is planning to spend 200-300 bucks on a rangefinder should seriously consider upgrading to the Leica. It's simply a better rangefinder IMO.
Got the $399 Leica today. This is another one of those "why didn't I do this sooner" moments. This is not in the same category as the Leupold or Vortex rangefinders that I have had to put it bluntly. Ranging realtor signs at 1500 yards was never even an option with the Leupold or Vortex, this does it first try. No more ranging the same thing over and over trying to get a reading. I am simply blown away at how well it works.

Anyone who is planning to spend 200-300 bucks on a rangefinder should seriously consider upgrading to the Leica. It's simply a better rangefinder IMO.

That Leica was going to be my recommendation. Hands down they make the best rangefinder by a large margin. I have thought about getting rid of my Swarovski to get that leica.
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