Caribou Gear

Utah Draw Results

Its now tuesday the 29th,utah official results still are not out,,,supposedly the 31st will be the official result day,,,other than our credit card hit that verifies utah drw,, looks like well have to wait till the 31st for official confirmation.
Should be a busy fall.

Thank you for your recent applications for the Big Game Drawing. Your results are:

Appl # Hunt # Result
431663 3000, , , , Elk Bull SUCCESSFUL
431664 6011, , , , Bull Moose UNSUCCESSFUL
431666 6611, , , , Desert Bighor SUCCESSFUL
431667 6801, , , , Rocky Mountai UNSUCCESSFUL
431668 6504, , , , Bison UNSUCCESSFUL
431665 6703, , , , Rocky Mountai UNSUCCESSFUL
431662 1009, , , , Buck Deer UNSUCCESSFUL
Should be a busy fall.

Thank you for your recent applications for the Big Game Drawing. Your results are:

Appl # Hunt # Result
431663 3000, , , , Elk Bull SUCCESSFUL

I like that. I really like that. Good on you. Now go get a biggun'.

And please, don't forget the trophy shot pose with the cig hanging off your lip. I have seen that pic a thousands times and I laugh as hard now, as when I saw it the first time.
I hope nobody falls for Dink's BS. We should all know better by now.

Desert sheep AND elk? ;)
Dink- One of my buddies friend is the biologist down there in beaver. If you want some info I can see what I can get for ya.
I'm starting to believe that Utah doesnt even give out big game licenses...

It kinda says something when I people say CCs are being hit for Utah and I don’t look. Then they update the bogus point totals and I don’t bother to look. Then when the email comes I pass over it and don’t look at for a few hours. Most other states I’m chomping at the bit. With UT I constantly wonder why I even apply. The odds are downright depressing and make a MT break sheep tag look like a slam dunk! Oh well, can’t hit the tag lotto if you don’t apply….