Ultimate Marriage Test

Anytime an attractive female coworker gets mentioned.

Me: Hey, Chelsi at work got promoted to manager.
W: Which Chelsi? The cute one with the red hair?
Me: Um, yeah the one with red hair.
W: What, did she call you first, gushing with the news!?
Me: Ah, no…but,
W: What’s the point in you telling me this, anyways!?
Me: Er, to tell you she will be moving to a different department.
W: Right. I’m sure that’s what you were thinking all along!
its been 13 years, 3 children, and many moves from Michigan to North Carolina, North Carolina to Michigan, Michigan to Montana. Built one house together ourselves. Have been completely broke living paycheck to paycheck, to financially secure together.

Biggest pain point is the ongoing argument to get a vasectomy. :cautious:
Honest question, why not?
NSFW Marriage humor?
Google Troy Kinne Mystery of the Basket and let the rabbit trail begin.
We'll see you back in a couple of days.
Honest answer, Scares the crap out of me when someone has a knife near my balls.
🤣🤣 Man, they gave me a couple Xanax or something to take an hour before I came in and I was totally relaxed. I chatted with the nurse and doc through the whole thing lol. My wife waited in the car to drive me home.

Best $700 (if I recall correctly, no insurance) I ever spent
Hanging wallpaper - always said a smart divorce lawyer would have an office right next door to a wallpaper store.
So true in my parents case that I would never even consider wallpaper in my own house. I have not seen wallpaper in at least a couple decades, so I figured it had been (rightfully) outlawed.... :)
So true in my parents case that I would never even consider wallpaper in my own house. I have not seen wallpaper in at least a couple decades, so I figured it had been (rightfully) outlawed.... :)
I shared that childhood experience - only blowups I saw between my parents were wallpaper-related - especially fine patterns that needed to line up between rows. I haven't touched the stuff.
Before GPS. Driving to a location I have never been before with the wife giving directions.
Her: " You go down that road until you get to the mini mart then turn left. Go until you get to that big building, I don't know what it is, but you turn right there and go until you get to that blue house with the nice flower garden then you keep going a little bit and turn right again. then there should be a road off to the left, it's right down there."
Me: "Do you have an address or a street name or anything?"
Her: Blank stare like I was speaking Greek or something.
I feel sorry for all of you. I have a perfect wife, well maybe @Mica Man has one that is a little better (I probably would no longer have a perfect wife if I hunted as much as he did), but mine is pretty good.
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