Yeti GOBOX Collection

The Nation's forest chief warns


New member
Dec 11, 2000
["of four threats to our forests."

"Timber cutting, road building no longer agency’s primary mission ."]

1.Fire and Fuels.
2.Invasive spcies.
3.Loss of open space
4.Motorized recreation

["Loss of open space Ranchers who are unable to meet the stricter regulations on national forests to protect clean water and rangeland, are forced to sell their private holdings, often along rivers and in prime wildlife habitat, for subdivisions and other development"]

["Unmanaged motorized recreation Thousands of miles of new trails have been pioneered across Idaho´s public lands by the exploding popularity of motorized recreation, especially all-terrain vehicles. Registration has grown from 6,322 off-road users in 1985 to 68,521 in 2002."]

["Motorized recreation

The fourth threat, Bosworth said, is unmanaged motorized recreation.

He is telling every national forest to force motorized users to stick to roads and trails.

“The day we can take off-highway vehicles cross-country across the national forests are over,” he said.

Bosworth has the support of the organized motorized recreation community for this, said Bill Dart, executive director of the Blue Ribbon Coalition, a national group based in Pocatello dedicated to motorized access on public lands."]

Time for me to send in more money to support The Blue Ribbon Coalition!!!!!!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-17-2004 10:29: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>
Ban the Fat-Assed ATV Riders and you solve the problem with the Invasive Weeds.

Thank you very much, the Gunner solved 1/2 of the Forest Circus' problems. And I can't see where number 3 is a FS problem, as the Forest Circus bettter not be losing THEIR open space.

Now just down to the problem of Fire and Fuels, and given that the only fires that need to be fought are the human-caused ones, keep the Motorized people out of the Forest, and you have no more fires.

Yeppers, pretty simple solutions to the entire set of problems. Looks like the U of I grad Bosworth isn't as smart as the BSU grad Gunner....

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-17-2004 14:56: Message edited by: ElkGunner ]</font>
EG, a BSU grad(?), that explains alot.

Seems that EG feels that if they ban everybody else the forest would be all his, how egocentric of him....

Good to see you're still around MD4M.
Yeppers Ten,
Unlike you, I thought an education was important, and after six weeks, I was the proud graduate of the BSU Truck Driviing Course. I am now elgible to start studying for my CDL.

Of course, you wouldn't like College as much as you liked your last two years in 3rd grade.

And Ten, please show me where I said to "ban everybody else the forest" ... I think you are starting to have those little voices talking to you again...

And as to the topic, which I generally do address, show me where my solutions would not solve the 4 concerns of Bosworth.