Caribou Gear

The Harvest Film

Nah, this pup tent of dwindling sportsman's dollars should be able to sustain the North American conservation model until I'm too old to care. (Sarcasm intended)

Did you go to the bottom of the page and view the proof of concept video? I’m not sure how a film reinforcing the stereotypical depiction of hunters as religious, white men clinging to family tradition appeals to anyone outside the traditional hunting base. If the goal is to expand the hunting community, or even just change the narrative around hunting and hunters, this isn’t going to cut it. It just reinforces what many people view as one of the problems with hunting - it isn’t inclusive.
It just reinforces what many people view as one of the problems with hunting - it isn’t inclusive.
And those people would be wrong and just plain ignorant for thinking that, but it let's them point a finger and that's all that matters.
Hunting is not a country club you pay to join and spend so much monthly to keep ur membership active. Everyone has the right to join the party for free.
And those people would be wrong and just plain ignorant for thinking that, but it let's them point a finger and that's all that matters.
Hunting is not a country club you pay to join and spend so much monthly to keep ur membership active. Everyone has the right to join the party for free.
Totally, best part about it.
Imagery at the onset will be interpreted by some as political.

The intro from Waddell of “American needs you” denotes to me that the film will be mostly playing to its core audience.

Further the allusions to the director and his Christian films speak to this film definitely having a very specific message.

Nothing about this says to me, crossing the aisle. I’m not trying to rag on the hunters/ hunting in general/Christian values I’m simply pointing out this is just playing to the target audience of those specific hunters.
What isle do you need it to cross?
Maybe its going to be appealing to christian non hunters
Pretty diverse set of outdoor passions
We don't need to convert the anti hunter anti gun crowd they are a small percentage of the population we need to encourage the non hunter to explore the outdoors and think positively of hunters & fishermen
I typically don't watch Waddells shows but I have friends who do
I will watch this looks pretty good to me
Nah, this pup tent of dwindling sportsman's dollars should be able to sustain the North American conservation model until I'm too old to care. (Sarcasm intended)
Which makes it all the more important to seek out a new paradigm for funding conservation. An expanding population and ever growing number of ancillary resource users (mountain bikers, XC skiers, snowshoers, trail runners) that strain our natural resources should not and cannot be perpetually funded by hunting and fishing dollars.
And those people would be wrong and just plain ignorant for thinking that, but it let's them point a finger and that's all that matters.
Hunting is not a country club you pay to join and spend so much monthly to keep ur membership active. Everyone has the right to join the party for free.
Are they wrong though? I’ll not rehash the other thread, but I think the inclusivity of portions of the outdoors community is debatable.

I agree with your second statement. But when the stated purpose of the film is about combatting ignorance and “shattering stereotypes”, it’s a little disappointing to watch the trailer which looks to be one big stereotype. If we’re going to shatter stereotypes, how about a guy talking to his daughter in the blind? Or a group of old guys of a couple different races telling hunting stories around a fire? Or a woman talking to her son in the blind? Or a group of women talking hunting around a tailgate? If I was watching a hunting film, and it opened with one of those, I would sit up and take notice because its unexpected. It challenges what I know about hunters. This one makes me want to turn it off two minutes in because it’s more of the same. I can see this on outdoor tv every week. Just so many ways this could be done to let people know there’s room for everyone here. Feels like a missed opportunity. I guess if they are trying to tell the story of hunters, this still looks nothing like my story. Idk.

Plus, I fear the up-front stereotypes will keep people from ever reaching the parts about conservation, wildlife funding, and the food aspects of hunting that really have broad appeal (assuming those are actually included in the film, which I doubt based on what I watched).
I dislike the promotion of hunting as an industry. I fully realize it has a tremendous economic impact on many states' economies, and it needs to be recognized as such. However, there is a very tenous balance between a commercialized industry and the North American Model of Conservation.

I hope their film succeeds in whatever they are trying to promote. I don't feel attacked as a hunter, and I question what specifically the goal of this film is.
Did you go to the bottom of the page and view the proof of concept video? I’m not sure how a film reinforcing the stereotypical depiction of hunters as religious, white men clinging to family tradition appeals to anyone outside the traditional hunting base. If the goal is to expand the hunting community, or even just change the narrative around hunting and hunters, this isn’t going to cut it. It just reinforces what many people view as one of the problems with hunting - it isn’t inclusive.
I think some people just don't like traditional.
I typically don't like NON Traditional.
Personally including Christian values with this hunting film will make it a home run with many. I think its a great Idea when ever hunting and Christianity partner in film.
Who doesn't pray to god when they harvest an elk or sheep or other when you first put your hands on the creature. I don't need that self centered human endorsing hunting regardless of gender or color of course.
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Are they wrong though?
Yes they are wrong. It's that person's problem if they want to feel excluded from something that invites everyone for basically free. Did certain groups of people help make them feel this way? Yes probably, but the bottomline it is not inclusive unless you want to make it inclusive in your own mind. Everybody is their own worst enemy the majority of the time.

I 100% agree this film probably wont change a mind. I just dont buy the "I cant go hunting cause I'm not a white male or a country bumpkin" idea. Just like fly fishing is for rich people. Or golf is for old richer than fly fisherman people. These things are for everyone if they want to do them.
What isle do you need it to cross?
Maybe its going to be appealing to christian non hunters
Pretty diverse set of outdoor passions
We don't need to convert the anti hunter anti gun crowd they are a small percentage of the population we need to encourage the non hunter to explore the outdoors and think positively of hunters & fishermen
I typically don't watch Waddells shows but I have friends who do
I will watch this looks pretty good to me

Converting is pretty hard if not impossible. There are a few exceptions like me ;)

"we need to encourage the non hunter to explore the outdoors and think positively of hunters & fishermen"
This is dead on the money.

I don't have cable, haven't since I was a kid. I'm not here to bash Waddell or any of the folks involved, I'm simply saying that this is a movie for the base, I definitely don't think it will help start the conversation with people neutral to hunting, and I hope that it doesn't hurt.

@LandPro just to be clear I was directing my comments at the trailer not the article (I read the article after, and it paints a slightly different picture.

Harvest Trailer

Compare with Stars in the Sky Trailer

The zero point zero film, I think, acknowledges the backfire effect;

"The research shows that when a strong-yet-erroneous belief is challenged, yes, you might experience some temporary weakening of your convictions, some softening of your certainty, but most people rebound and not only reassert their original belief at its original strength, but go beyond that and dig in their heels, deepening their resolve over the long run."

We need to start conversations, acknowledge all the good and the bad of hunting, attempt to clarify some misconceptions, but let people make up their own minds. Be real about hunting there are ethical issues we talk about them on here on the time. I think you win over more people by giving them a real window into the sport rather than giving them some saccharine bs version of it or beat them over the head with arguments about how great it is and how it's saving our county.

"A lot of people are pretty surprised to learn that their are rules governing hunting" -Rinella paraphrase.

Wow... they will be eaten alive by the 90% of the country that are non hunters. Seriously, I find this cringeworthy.
This is a real sport, not a friging Hallmark movie... what is Waddell going to be play by Mario Lopez.

Compare this ^ to the authenticity of Randy, and his amazing discussion of conservation.
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It's that person's problem if they want to feel excluded from something that invites everyone for basically free.
I really do wish this was true. Unfortunately I'd have to disagree and say that for hunting, it's not anywhere near free. Especially east of the 100th meridian. Fishing is much more possible on no cash.
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