Teddy Coming Down

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I didn't even hear about this one... Ulysses S Grant... San Francisco.

I saw that. The town I work for (Georgetown, Ohio) is his boyhood home. The original house still stands and there are many fabulous statues and memorials to him. I hole no one decides to come out here to mess with those.
His legacy is complicated, especially with regard to native Americans and foreign policy.

“I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indian is the dead Indian, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”
It’s incredibly uncomplicated to me in the fact that we all make mistakes and all think and say things that are not right but I choose to focus on what good people do instead of the bad. I mean I highly respect what MLK did in his life but I’m sure there is something that would taint his legacy if we knew his every thought, word, and action. TR did more for conservation that most of us on here ever will. Guess it just burns me that so many people wanna focus on the bad deeds of a man instead of the good and by people I don’t mean you I mean the people tearing down statues. Guess Mt. Rushmore is next because those guys weren’t perfect either. Not even Lincoln.
It’s incredibly uncomplicated to me in the fact that we all make mistakes and all think and say things that are not right but I choose to focus on what good people do instead of the bad. I mean I highly respect what MLK did in his life but I’m sure there is something that would taint his legacy if we knew his every thought, word, and action. TR did more for conservation that most of us on here ever will. Guess it just burns me that so many people wanna focus on the bad deeds of a man instead of the good and by people I don’t mean you I mean the people tearing down statues. Guess Mt. Rushmore is next because those guys weren’t perfect either. Not even Lincoln.
Focusing on the few bad things is all part of there agenda regardless how much good was done.
Agreed, however one wouldn't exist without the other in the first place.
That is the counter argument from kids arguing over a toy.
I agree that the statues are of men who all had flaws and focusing on the bad and ignoring the good is short sighted. However thr reason is because this country has long history of white males pissing on minorities and women to retain power. Looks like people are sick of it. Can’t blame them.
I’m surprised we had so many statues in the first place.Take them all down. I won’t lose a bit of sleep over any of it. Maybe at some point we can even have a rationale discussion over the topic of US history and worshiping ugly statues.
Not in my country, but the reason I am commenting is I found out earlier today that the company who have been selling "Eskimo Pie" -Ice Cream bars are going to change the name.

In my humble opinion the world or at least some in it, are over reacting.

If I dont see the need for changing the name of an ice cream bar then I certainly dont understand the removal of the Teddy Roosevelt Statue.

However, I also dont understand changing the name of sports teams. The name " Washington Redskins " does not offend me. Does the Dallas "Cowboys" offend anyone here who owns a horse or cow ranch ?
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