Ted Cruz - Selling of Federal Land(s)

I think Sytes has offered the most profound and moving expression regarding transfer and/or sale of public lands. That is once it's done, there's no reclaiming public forest, desert, badland, mountains, plains, wildlife habitat, scenic trails and on and on ... it's just plain gone from the public. That is why this issue motivates me to oppose Cruz and all who want to eliminate the opportunity for my great grandchildren to hike, hunt, and enjoy public land as I have.
I think Sytes has offered the most profound and moving expression regarding transfer and/or sale of public lands. That is once it's done, there's no reclaiming public forest, desert, badland, mountains, plains, wildlife habitat, scenic trails and on and on ... it's just plain gone from the public. That is why this issue motivates me to oppose Cruz and all who want to eliminate the opportunity for my great grandchildren to hike, hunt, and enjoy public land as I have.

I agree. You won't get the genie back in the bottle once it's out.
Both parties are screwballs... I'll take the one who does not make permanent errors. Your choice is yours.

No one has proven a Republican President would sell or transfer land and the Republican controlled House and Senate has not done so either.

It seems you are all about party.

Btw, the murder of an unborn child can not be undone while land can be bought back again by the Federal Government.
No, I think through 164 posts and seven pages ... we have shown that we are anti-Odin ... so please don't throw your let's-sell-public-lands-and-settle-the-debt hat in the Republican twenty-ring circus.
No one has proven a Republican President would sell or transfer land and the Republican controlled House and Senate has not done so either.

It seems you are all about party.

Btw, the murder of an unborn child can not be undone while land can be bought back again by the Federal Government.

Wrong on all counts, the Republicans are pushing the land transfer idea...fact.

Its not about party is about what the Representatives stand for, R, D, I...if they're in favor of transferring federal lands, they deserve to be sent packing...fact.

You can always make more people, you cant make more land...fact.
No, I think through 164 posts and seven pages ... we have shown that we are anti-Odin ... so please don't throw your let's-sell-public-lands-and-settle-the-debt hat in the Republican twenty-ring circus.

I am against selling or transferring public lands. What gave you the idea I was for it?
Wrong on all counts, the Republicans are pushing the land transfer idea...fact.

Its not about party is about what the Representatives stand for, R, D, I...if they're in favor of transferring federal lands, they deserve to be sent packing...fact.

You can always make more people, you cant make more land...fact.

I'm going to bypass your hate of human life and and ask what land the Republican controlled House and Senate sold or transferred while they were in control now and also when they had complete control under Bush?

I realize the truth is painful...no matter how hard you want to deny same.

You haven't proved what you said.

The truth is painful for you because no matter what you say, the Republicans have not sold your land.

It is clear you are a political hack.
Killing babies far outweigh public land issues for me. I'm with Gerald on this. I'm sad some on here don't feel the same way...or maybe they get so caught up in "saving public land" they don't step back and look at other things.
, the murder of an unborn child can not be undone while land can be bought back again by the Federal Government.
Ya know if we had a Cruz vs Straight Arrow Supreme Court case signed, sealed, and delivered, then the public lands issue might be different. But to bring the abortion philosophical issue up as a parallel analogy is absurd ... at the least!
BtwYa know if we had a Cruz vs Straight Arrow Supreme Court case signed, sealed, and delivered, then the public lands issue might be different. But to bring the abortion philosophical issue up as a parallel analogy is absurd ... at the least!

Sytes brought it up. I said he was false. The Federal Government has the ability to buy back land it sold.

Do you disagree?

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