Teaching my son...


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2015
East Tennessee
With my son being only 3, he hasn't really been really involved in any serious hunting activities yet. But being 3, almost 4, he asks a ton of questions. So I take him out some scouting, moving stands, checking cameras, and he has really started to pick up on things. I try to involve him in every aspect that I can and it's became a ritual for him to help me get my gear together the night before a hunt and I explain what each item is, its uses, etc. He kept reminding me that if I were to kill a deer he wanted to come help me recover it and drag it out. With my hunting properties being close to home this was very doable but I was skeptical, how would he react to a dead animal, would field dressing it scare him, and other concerns as well. With a Wy pronghorn, an early bow season doe, and about half an angus steer in the freezer I really didnt need any meat, but after a freezer inventory the other day, I decided I could fit in most of another large doe and give away a little, ensuring I would not run out this year. Long story short, a large doe came by, died a quick death, and I went home to fetch up my boy. I can say he has never made me more proud to be his dad. I even sent him in ahead to see if he could find it, and I watched from 10yds away as he followed a short blood trail, found her, turned around to me, and just said, "wow". From then on, he was hands on every step of the way, and asked no less than 100 questions. Now he tells everyone he sees he helped his dad find his deer and drag it out so we could bring it home to eat it. Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all have a blessed holiday season. God Bless.


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Congratulations, its so fun with the little guys. My 4 year old loves checking cameras and feeding the deer out back. I wish you the best of luck having a new hunting partner for life.
Nice! I have a 9 month old son and can't wait till I can involve him in outdoor adventures.
Great job. The sense of awe and excitement over being close to a deer or other animal like that overcomes any reservations about the blood, dead animal, etc... Way to go.
I absolutely loved that story and your pictures. My fondest memories without question are of similar experiences in the outdoors with my son, 2 daughters and my late Dad when my kids were a similar age.

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