Sitka Pre Season Savings

Stuff you lost


New member
Mar 14, 2007
I loose stuff every year hunting.Though usually a hat or glove. This year I lost my range finder. I always carry it in a pouch attached to my pack. Not sure how or where it fell off. I was kind of down about it at first till I met a guy that lost his Weathereby rifle with scope. Anyway what have you lost on the hill?
im not sure how many sets of shooting sicks i have went through i need to tie them on me with a chain. lost my bear spray last year shed hunting
how does someone lose a Wetherby rifle??? what a great find for someone!

never lost anything big myself but my cousin and another hunting buddy both lost range finders last year.
I guess he left it leaning on the truck tire after a hunt. Jumped in the truck and drove off. Got back to camp found out he left his rifle, 25min drive back and it was gone. I can't believe any decent hunters would keep somebodys rifle. I would do my best to find the rightful owner.
in nov. 1981 I was hunting the high country muley season in washington state just above greenwater. we got a hell of a snow storm and the only way to get home after a week was to hike down to the highway (410?) and hitch a ride. a week or so later we went up and got my truck. I lost due to the snow alot of things and didnt realize them till when I got home with the truck that nght. one of them was a watch my dad bought me for my 16th birthday, one of my custom made flyrods a pair of binocs and a few other less expensive items.
I moved out of the state just before christmas that year
a few years later in nov( about the same time week before thanksgiving) dad had a heart attack so April and I flew back to washington (from az)to have thanksgiving with my dad and mom. I wanted to head up to that place to show april the view and do some flyfishing . I found everything right were I left it. I was really surprised.

I lost a brand new ranger finder in the 80's bow hunting, fell out of my pocket. never found it. in 89 I lost a 31"-32" muley buck with in a mile of the ranger finder. we looked for weeks for it never found it. the next aug. it was found by a buddy of mine who went scouting with me. its sitting on his coffee table( or was) in prescott. I even offered him lots of money for it prick LOL.
he found it laying in a tree off the side of a hill go figure.
This year in WY pronghorn hunting I lost a pair of shooting sticks and a watch. BIL lost a cell phone. It was quite the expensive trip...

When I was in high school I lost my dad's shotgun! Left it on the trunk of the car and drove off. I know the kid that found it, but he wouldn't return it... :BLEEP:
I lost myself once in a whiteout.......But I found Myself just before the Helicopter did! You know the best part of being found by a Helicopter? They jerk your clothes off and give ya water and Snickers!!!!! John:D
I lost a rifle case and a knife while hunting. Not bad, I loose more at home stuffing it somewhere and forgetting where when I need it again.
2 years ago I lost my favorite hunting/skinning knife. I have lost lots of tracks trying to track an animal so I can get a shot off
I was fishing the Kenai for reds one year and caught a tree branch floating down the river. When I reeled it in and went to unhook it, I saw a brand new "old timer" knife stuck in it. Someone's loss was a great find.
I lost a 357 that fell out of my backpack, when I was getting out of a climber. Only reason I had it was, IF, I would be in a stand that would afford me a close shot. Turned out the stand I was on that evening was a rifle shot.

My buddy went back to the tree a couple of days later and picked it up right at the base of the tree.

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