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Struggling in Idaho…


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2021
I am in McCall with the family and trying to make the best of evening hunts (elk B tag) while working from home during the day. I had several locations picked out prior to coming and apparently picked out some good morning spots to be because the first was loaded with hunters and the second had a bull carcass within 50 yards of my pin on opening evening. I do have tomorrow and Sunday to hunt all day so will be out well before daylight to try to glass up a group and put them to bed. Problem is that glassing is tough around here. It isn’t as thick as the Clearwater but it ain’t Eastern Wyoming either. I’m having trouble identifying decent glassing vantages. Either way I have 5 more days here (two full weekend days and 3 evenings) so I am hoping to get it done. Any pointers on how to hunt an area like this with a lot of pressure? Any advice on how the weather might make the elk move? We had snow yesterday. Lastly, if you are around McCall and would be willing to talk just about general elk trends and movements please send me a PM I’d really appreciate it.
All Idaho OTC units have lots of Hunter pressure. Elk are going to move into Hell hikes to hide. You need to find them.

We haven’t had enough weather to make the elk move. It might slow down the final stages of the rut. Bulls were still with cows as of Tuesday.

Glassing - find a high point you can see a few miles. I’ve hunted that area a few times. Get high and glass. Use a spotter if you have one.
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I never found day hunting for elk to be effective. I had to commit at least 5 days and go two states from home. I can't imagine hunting elk without living amongst them . Much less trying to work during my hunt. Best of luck my friend. What you are doing is not easy in the best of circumstances.
Glassed up a herd this evening (found a pretty good glassing knob) they were 2 miles away and just no way to make it. Going in the morning bright and early. Think I can get to a vantage 700ish yards from where I left them this evening and hopefully pick back up and make a plan.
Got to my pin on top of a ridge just after daylight. The climb up was nothing short of torture. I can handle steep but the last .3 mile was straight up fighting a wall of willows. There were times I was legit wondering if there was a way through. Spent the morning glassing from multiple places on the ridge but didn’t see anything. Spent the middle of the day glassing shadows and edges and cow calling along some trails. Didn’t turn anything up but a 2-3 year old 4 point muley.
Met two really nice local hunter who were out for a morning hunt. They know a way in that I don’t I’m sure of that. Need to spend some more time exploring how to get in there. The trip out was almost as bad as the trip in but shorter as I just bombed toward the truck and took whatever cow paths looked most worn down. Either way it was absolutely beautiful and definitely had a chance to find an elk so what more can you ask for.
Looked over a ton of country today. No elk turned up. Did hear a firing squad just after first light over the ridge in the next unit. 11 shots in less than a minute…I don’t know what happened but guessed cow tags all filled from one herd? Have to work tomorrow will be out glassing tomorrow evening.
Got out after work today to a ridge I have been glassing from and at last light a herd of elk came out across the canyon. I headed that way and as close as I could get was 900 yards. There was a nice 5 pt bull in the group but just couldn’t get closer before it got dark. Going back tomorrow to see if I can pick them up again.
Good luck, can you light camp?. Just a couple of sandwiches ,thermos, sleeping bag and light cover, saves tons of effort.
Good luck, can you light camp?. Just a couple of sandwiches ,thermos, sleeping bag and light cover, saves tons of effort.
I never have, I guess I’m always thinking I’ll trade a comfortable nights rest for a hike in. I do need to consider that option though especially in a situation like this.
Wish I had a better story. Nothing showed. Lost my way somehow on the way out and ended up in willow hell. Soaked to the bone. Wife (nurse) says mild hypothermia hands, lips blue but that’s how it goes. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? I don’t know about that. I suck at navigating in the dark. Sorry guys I gave it hell.
Well that’s a wrap for my time in Idaho. What started out as a frustrating hunt really ended up teaching me a lot. I wish I could say I learned more about where to go and where not to go on a mountain from looking at onX but I haven’t. A place that looks wide open could be a thicket that you can’t go through. I did learn that I have the grit to get out of a situation that at times seems hopeless so that’s a good thing I think. Also, I had been cold before but apparently had never had my core get super cold because I shivered in a warm house covered in blankets for two hours drinking hot water. A hot, really hot, shower just made it worse. Heat your core from the inside if you ever get hypothermia. I’ll be back to McCall, really enjoyed the place.

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