Kenetrek Boots

Spring Fever

Southern Elk

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
Who's got it? I'm so tired of snow...the plowing, the shoveling, the digging through drifts with the tractor. Luckily its been almost 40 degrees the past few days and things are starting to melt. I just want to get into the mountains, but that's likely a couple of months away here in SW MT. What do you do to fight spring fever?
I've been getting desperate lately.

The wife and I went Cross Country Skiing Sunday. It was fun. The thing about this winter is even though we have had a lot of snow that is good for snow-related activities, it has been too flippin cold to enjoy it. We are taking the kids skiing this weekend. May as well do what you can, because it is gonna take a month of melting before the hills will be hikeable.
Enough snow has melted to finally shed hunt. Found 4 dead heads Saturday

Turkey season is only 3 weeks away!
One picture is from the end of January and one is from Friday.



Hiked in to do some thinning work and there is still 30 inches of snow. Wish I bought a snowmobile this winter. Hope it doesn't melt too fast though.
I spent the fall/winter near Wheatland Wyoming, dang does the wind ever blow. Overall its been pretty mild compared to a winter in the Flathead Valley. Yes I’m ready for spring, and less wind where I’m going to for the summer in Southeast Montana. Hang in there.
Early trout season starts in about a week so I'm looking forward to that... rest of the state comes in two weeks after that and then chasing turks the end of April and all of May.
I'll be happy if it stays muddy longer than normal. And more wet weather is in store for NM for a change this year...maybe.
But I got the solar system in yesterday & it pumped like a madman for the short time the sun was out.....LOL ,the windmill groaned in the wind ,locked down.
There are plants sprouting between late snow storms.
The Gila finally got some snow,in March. The White Mtn's got lot's & the lakes are full for a change there.
Here in southern alberta, we are loosing the snow quick. Especially coming off a couple weeks of some brutal cold -30C(-22F). Things are a bog. The mountains will likely hold snow into April. Have a couple trail cameras to retrieve.

Going to tend to the ponies this weekend and hopefully get them shoe'd in the next couple weeks. Can't wait for the weekend day trips and over nighters in the hills. Spring bear also opens at the beginning of april, so Ive got to sight the gun in after swapping scopes. Spring fever has definitely set in.
When ya got the fever, the only cure is... more cow bell.

We still have ~1ft in the yard, but the south faces are clear around us, and I saw a group of Toms strutting through an orchard the other day. Trout season is already open, just need some open water. Ice fishing is pretty much over, too many days in a row in the 50s.
The wife had me toting and filling planters with big boy sized potting soil bags most of Sunday...we are now festooned with flowering color just in time for the Easter cold snap to frostbite the bloom...a yearly tradition.
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