Some stuff it just too funny

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Got an email forwarded to me from one of our viewers, that made me laugh, and thought I would share the humor with all of you. Especially given the recent thread called "Big Ones" that has some of the most amazing animals of any thread on the enitre web.

The guy had sent an email to one of the long-time outdoor TV producers (who shall remain nameless), asking for some different content in their shows. The person sending the email was/is a fan of that other show. The email suggested that maybe the host, and his shows, should do a hunt on publc land, mentioning OYOA for reference of how nice it is to see hunts the viewer can actually do.

The host and producer provided this comment .....

"Hunting isn't a spectator sport which means it's all about the wildlife footage and challenges of getting the game- not footage of a guy wondering around the free woods showing the viewer rubs and scrapes.... doe's & immature bucks".

I have heard this so many times, it makes me laugh now. I hear it not just about our show, but about self-guided and/or public land hunting in general.

It reminds me of what the common opinion of the outdoor TV industry is related to what the audience wants to see, Maybe they are right. :confused:

So long as this is the common opinion among other producers, I suspect OYOA is not going to get nominated as a finalist in any of the awards where other producers select the finalists. But, the comment above is kinder and less ridiculing than some I received when we first started this project, so I will measure that as progress.

When we started, I heard this from just about every producer, ad agents, etc. They were, and some still are, of the impression that self-guided hunters shoot only "doe's & immature bucks."

You guys need to quit posting all of those "doe's & immature bucks" over there in that thread titled "Big Ones." Someone forgot to tell those bulls, bucks, boars, and rams, that you guys were self-guided. They felt safe knowing you were not guided, and now look what you have done to them.

Better get me some doe tags lined up for this year. ;)
LOL not to mention stubling around in the water in alaska or throwing a buddy off the boat in 6 feet of water.

Serioulsly thou you have done a great job making this thing what it is when i am sure not many said it would work. Thanks for turning so many of us on to hunting out west on public land when us midwesterners and easterners feel like it is an impossible task
I think my 6 yr old would be able to figure out how to kill a deer on exclusive private land with food plots and feeders surrounding him.........there are a couple other good shows on TV for sure but i'd say 80% of them suck due to being the same ol routine....

"well, been watching this buck in this food plot for 2 years now and i think I got my little house on stilts in the right place to finally shoot this guy, right here in my exclusive food plot".........
I think the Outfitting community has its own Lobbyists behind the scenes in the "Industry", and the producers are upset you do such a good job... Keep it up Fin.

All of us have noticed that each show starts off with... "We are here to day with " So and So Outfitters or Ranch" well, except yours and a few others and we connect with and understand that. The every day hunter can't do that, like you said on the NM Ant. hunt, where can you go for a weeks vacation and have that much fun for under 1k, that hunt would have cost 3k guided. Good job for the guys who can swing it but a lot of us can't, and planning, packing, camping, is all taken out of the equation for the most part on those hunts. Give me a wall tent with a stove that blasts you out of the place and some good camp food and I'm in heaven.....
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Come on. Getting a show is easy. Line up a couple of leased property hunts in IA, IL, KS, TX. Play rock and role from some obscure band that nobody ever heard of, use whatever bow/arrow you want but makes sure it is tipped with G5 or Rage, act like an idiot and have a catch phrase for after the gut shot. No catch phrase???? Rage in the cage is the fallback. Turn the cameras off. Never ever trail blood immediately, even if you see the animal go down. Wait until after dark or the next day so you cover your but on the other bad hits that are bound to happen. For street cred add clips of you hang'n with other TV celebs with more street cred, not less. You want to elevate yourself up. Also, and this is most important, you done best off to speak them language of the por/no educate folk as to not offends them or they aint a watch'n:)
I guess it makes sense if you have no real passion for hunting and are in it entirely for the money...
I'll take OYOA over any of those other shows any day. It is a lot more fun and informative seeing somebody work for their animal on public land than watching somebody basically pick which animal they want to kill. In the real world, you don't always come home with an animal, and it is nice to see this reality on OYOA.
Keep up the good work Randy!
What a tool. I still hear the same thing about shooting "smaller" animals and the show. They are right. You probably aren't going to see "booner" animals on OYOA. There's very few that shoot booners in a 5 day period hunting areas they've never been to. If you do then you were lucky. If you want a show like that then maybe high fence or some elite ranch show will fill your need. Mossback can do it because there's about 50 guys pre scouting and out looking during the season. Then they are hunting premium areas that hold the monsters. Nothing against it but it isn't how you and I have it. And it isn't how Randy has it.
I would bet the majority of the animals posted on our "Big One's" thread were shot after many days in the field, either pre hunt scouting or maybe the 2nd or 3rd week of the season.

Not sure why I'm wasting my breath on someone that makes stupid comments. I would of wrote him back and said start your own public land show. I'll give you a couple years and let me see what kind of product you have for us to critique. Oh yea you will need to not only have public land hunts but throw in 13 of them in 2 1/2 months each season. Good luck on the booners buddy.:rolleye Constructive critisisim is good but stupid thoughtless
comments are just that.
There are some on this site that wouldn't shoot the animals being shot on OYOA. That's fine and good for them if they want to trophy hunt. We just went the rounds on this with Elknuts thread. If that's for you then go for it if it's not either trophy or not then shut your soup coolers and keep your opinion to yourself.
Thats why there are so few shows on my dvr. Even some of the shows I used to like are about to be deleted. RMEF's team elk is near the top of my "we're hunting with blank on the blank ranch" cut list.
Grrrr....this makes me so mad. I just posted my last two kills on the Big Ones thread with a sweet little message for the guys running the 'more popular shows' who think it's all about trophies, not the experience and beautiful animals don't exist for the guys who believe in actually EARNING THEM!!

I dont see many "booner" animals taken consistently on ANY hunting show...and the scores they put up on most shows are a bunch of bullchit...

IIRC, I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple booners killed while watching OYOA.

Maybe Fin can send a link of the "big ones" thread to the dummy...
I realize you're preaching to the choir here Fin. But it still sucks that this is the attitude among the industry. Of course, what do you expect from EVERY goober who's ever picked up a bow, got in front of a camera and calls themselves "Pro Staff"???

Personally, I like watching you for the trials and tribulations of just GETTING there. Personally, I really could care less about antlers. Can't eat 'em. I get not more excitement out of watching someone shoot a nice, fat, juicy doe or cow elk than I do some steroid-fed monster with disturbingly large crowns. That's what happens when you dump C'Mere Deer by the PALLET LOAD and then shoot 'em over a bait pile. No thanks.

Keep it up. It is by FAR my favorite show.

Well, I am not shocked by the response from the host/producer. Seems par for the course. Its why I haven't watched a hunting show other than OYOA in a long time. And I think Fin and Co, have killed some very nice animals on the show, are you kidding me???

As long as the sponsors are happy and keep the show on, its all good.
I could care less about shooting a critter at 600 yards.

I could care less about what food plot seeds produce the biggest racks

I could care less about which outfitter you use

I could care less about how much the fancy ranch you hunt on costs per day

All of those things are outside the average guy's line of sight.

Keep doing what you're doing Randy. You're in the same company as Kurt Gowdey and Ted Williams.
I would much rather shoot a modest 4 point buck that I actually worked for and found on my own than some game farm monster from a stand someone hung for me on their foodplot to shoot the deer that shows up to the feeder at 1:30 every day. Wow, doesnt that sound like fun? Keep up the good work, Fin, and forget those others so called hunters.

I dont see many "booner" animals taken consistently on ANY hunting show...and the scores they put up on most shows are a bunch of bullchit...

IIRC, I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple booners killed while watching OYOA.


Good point buzz

I dont see many "booner" animals taken consistently on ANY hunting show...and the scores they put up on most shows are a bunch of bullchit...

IIRC, I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple booners killed while watching OYOA.

Maybe Fin can send a link of the "big ones" thread to the dummy...

I just have to laugh and shake my head when thoughs guys shoot a 110" whitetail and claim its a pope and young buck.I dont know how they come up with there scores either.Let them keep doing what they do and dont let them in on the secret of how it feels to accomplish it on your own.
Speaking of the industry, I get such a kick out of seeing the Michael Waddell's Bone Collector(tm) logo with the ghost muley/skull thing, when the damn show is built around semi-farmed whitetails. Also, I have it on good authority that you become a bonafide deer genetics expert after watching at least two episodes...
Come on. Getting a show is easy. Line up a couple of leased property hunts in IA, IL, KS, TX. Play rock and role from some obscure band that nobody ever heard of, use whatever bow/arrow you want but makes sure it is tipped with G5 or Rage, act like an idiot and have a catch phrase for after the gut shot. No catch phrase???? Rage in the cage is the fallback. Turn the cameras off. Never ever trail blood immediately, even if you see the animal go down. Wait until after dark or the next day so you cover your but on the other bad hits that are bound to happen. For street cred add clips of you hang'n with other TV celebs with more street cred, not less. You want to elevate yourself up. Also, and this is most important, you done best off to speak them language of the por/no educate folk as to not offends them or they aint a watch'n:)

Unfortunately accurate. The sad thing is most of these TV "pro" hunters wouldn't have the first clue without someone holding there hand for them. I won't even get started on the general lack of hunting ethics most of them have...
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