Shut Down Access


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
In todays News Argus from Lewistown, a letter to the editor was posted from David Bergum from Winifred.
Be wary who you vote for

Dear Editor,
In response to the letter of support from some sportsman’s group supporting Ron Moody: several years ago I had to sit at monument meetings throughout the state and listen to Ron Moody denigrate and insult the local ranching community by voicing, in his well-thought-out opinion after moving here from Tennessee, that local ranchers weren’t capable managers of land that had been in their families for generations. In my opinion, Mr. Moody believed the federal government would be a better steward of these lands, both public and private, that had a random imaginary line drawn around them.

This is only part of the letter. First, I have never heard Moody ever say such a thing about landowners and ranchers, in fact Moody has defended landowners and ranchers, especially as it concerns their own private property rights and their contributions to the community, even involving the bison working group. This kind of unsubstantiated accusations are common during election years - the lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. Some people really dont care what the truth is and wont bother to look into it.

But here is the rub. Bergum then goes on to say,
I would warn local hunters to be wary of who you support and what face you want representing you. I have always allowed hunting on Whiskey Ridge, but electing Moody to represent Central Montana, in my opinion, is such an insult to the local ranching community that if he is elected I would shut down access. It’s the only response I have that will be heard.

So far, here is what I have seen. If FWP transplants bighorns to certain areas, they are going to cut off access. If FWP puts wild bison in central Montana, they are going to cut off access. Actually, if they put bison anywhere in Montana, they are going to cut off access. As FWP Commissioner Richard Stuker stated at the April 2014 commission mtg involving the Elk Brucellosis Work Plan, " Now, I will tell you that if I am a producer in the Paradise Valley and the wildlife groups, sportsmen block attempts to try and come up with some type of solution, I'm going to close every bit of my land, any access and I'm guessing that a lot of my neighbors will do the same." So if they dont get what they want with elk brucellosis, they will cut off access.

Now electing Ron Moody for HD 29 is as heinous to the ranching community as bighorn sheep transplants, wild bison restoration on public lands and scientific, lawful wildlife management of our elk populations instead of lies and politics. I sure would like to see those posters attached to their fences that hunter access is blocked because of Moody. Someone will probably come up with a poster of a devil horned, pointy tailed Moodys head on a bison on Public Lands.

Hell I may just do a cartoon of it to show the absurdity of the situation and the worn out threats. How many times are they going to play that friggin card?
Ron Moody and his opinions are not well taken in the landowning community. He sees things much differently than do those who have a conservative point of view. Unfortunately shutting off access is the only tool that the landowner sees as having an effective voice. Landowners want the sporting community to take their side, but in reality the sporting public takes it as a kick and the chasm deepens.
Ron Moody and his opinions are not well taken in the landowning community. He sees things much differently than do those who have a conservative point of view. Unfortunately shutting off access is the only tool that the landowner sees as having an effective voice. Landowners want the sporting community to take their side, but in reality the sporting public takes it as a kick and the chasm deepens.

A little less vinegar, and a little more honey helps get us there.

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