Seek Outside getting heat for hosting gun control nut Ryan Busse

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Holy shit. I guess I am woke.
The worst 10 or 15 posts on that thread are after the first page - stuff I wouldn't even repost to make the point. Folks should probably go read the whole thing for themselves as a reminder of what a significant number of their neighbors are thinking yet will only say anonymously or among like-minded folks. Simply disgusting. Thanks to @Big Fin from keeping this type of crap off of Hunttalk.

note: when I say "significant number" I am not saying majority, or anything close. But if we say this is the worst 1% that means 3,500,000 of our neighbors. And there is no reason to think a run-of-the-mill hunting forum is the worst 1%, so the actual number is undoubtedly much much higher.
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The worst 10 or 15 posts on that thread are after the first page - stuff I wouldn't even repost to make the point. Folks should probably go read the whole thing for themselves as a reminder of what a significant number of their neighbors are thinking yet will only say anonymously or among like-minded folks. Simply disgusting. Thanks to @BigFin from keeping this type of crap off of Hunttalk.

note: when I say "significant number" I not saying majority, or anything close. But if we say this is the worst 1% that means 3,500,000 of our neighbors. And there is no reason to think a run-of-the-mill hunting forum is the worst 1%, so the actual number is undoubtably much much higher.
I read enough of the shit on that site years ago to drop out of it. The actual good information isn't even worth logging in there for. Absolute sewer. mtmuley
Never been on 24CF, think I'll go over there and start a motion to name streets after one of my favorite "Negroes", Wynton Marsalis, while it is still BHM.

I'm sure I'll make lots of friends.
Bet if you look close you'll find more HT'ers. mtmuley
I'm one. I found it in 2000 when another forum disbanded and I was surfing for another forum home (member #30 lol). I rarely go to the "Hunters Campfire." That's where the dissafected, racist, insanely right wing, dead-enders hang out. The sub forums can be good, but the overflow from the cesspool at the top of the forum is making it increasingly difficult in even those. The owner there will tolerate anything unless it affects his bottom line. But, I have friends there who I've grown fond of over the years, so I stay on. However, I prefer it here. Civil, with just the right amount of moderation.
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This conversation begs us to question how so many of us as sportspersons ( hunters, shooters, firearm enthusiasts Ect) have gotten to the point were the laws governing firearms and ones opinion on them( laws) is a definitive indictment on a person. So much so that some of us are willing to over look all the common bonds they have with them.
We are willing cast aside so many other things we value in a person, a fellow hunter, gun owner, gear enthusiasts, outdoorsmen, neighbors, an honest business man that provides high quality American made goods, and last but not least a fellow American and most likely a decent individual. All that cast aside because they hold a different option on laws governing an object.
What a crock of morally and intellectually vacant shit. Like I said before, and I hold myself to the same standard. If that’s how we are going think about others then some serious self introspection needed.
You think they hate blacks (and they do) just watch how they treat Democrats over there. Real or suspected but mostly suspected
I can’t believe the screenshots posted from that place. Wow.
What a shitshow. Who runs that place?

I must be naive but I guess I just didn’t realize there was enough people that thought that way that they’d actually type it out and post it where others can see. I guess I’ve met a few people kind of like that in rural Alabama but is there really that many?
Call me woke, but I guess my tolerance for racism begins and ends with light hearted jokes about white people thinking ketchup is spicy or Asians not always being the best drivers.
That’s true, it became a cesspool that hasn’t recovered. However, this site isn’t without it’s heroes and critics either…
A big difference between a site where folks getting testy when discussing NR tag allocations and one where folks are throwing around the N-word, comparing humans to apes, dismissing any woman as a bitch, etc.
I found HT a decade ago, and I recall being quite stunned a few years back when I figured out that a lot of the people here are members of multiple forums. I may have created an account on one a few years back so I could use a search function or something. Who the hell has time for multiple internet forums?

Those screen shots are gross.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) my computer setup blocks all the ads and side-links etc so I can't see the ads on 24h and can't seem to turn the filters off sufficiently to change that. Otherwise, I would be inclined to start tweeting some of the worst of the posts on the advertisers' twitter feeds and see how long it takes for accountability. Free country if they still want to pay to be part of that swamp, but my guess is many wouldn't.
A big difference between a site where folks getting testy when discussing NR tag allocations and one where folks are throwing around the N-word, comparing humans to apes, dismissing any woman as a bitch, etc.
No argument there! I don’t understand that mentality and the site owner not telling those guys to refrain from that, but it is his site to moderate or not.

But don’t ignore the negativity that shows up here more than is necessary. There is plenty of cavalier comments by notables here in regards to the demeaning of women to not much more than a sex object.
No argument there! I don’t understand that mentality and the site owner not telling those guys to refrain from that, but it is his site to moderate or not.

But don’t ignore the negativity that shows up here more than is necessary. There is plenty of cavalier comments by notables here in regards to the demeaning of women to not much more than a sex object.
Well, I sure as hell hope at HT they get called out when they do take shots at women. If not, then we have some work to do.

[tweaked for clarity]
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