Seek Outside getting heat for hosting gun control nut Ryan Busse

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Just popped over to check out that thread... what a dumpster fire!!
I cant image what the rest of the threads look like over there.
Spend an hour or two reading 24hour 🏕️ 🔥 and you walk away feeling that best hope for humanity is a hostile alien invasion or zombie apocalypse.
I love that place...the Campfire sub-forum. Anything goes. Of course the place has its nut jobs. Every forum does. There is more to much of what is posted there than meets the eye. Then if you prefer a little less noise with your signal, there are good sub-forums. Count me as one who is glad there are a lot of forums, and each forum has its own style.
I personally own a Seek Outside stove. Like it so much, I was considering purchasing a tent.
I also choose to support a small company, rather than a big one. I’ve been on their website a lot.

Haven’t been around because I have been working 13 hour days, and don’t have the need to get on my phone any spare second that I have.

I couldn’t care less what you think. I am simply stating that I will not spend my money at a company who is not in full support of my 2A rights. If you disagree, good for you. I accept that.

I am not an uninformed poster on this subject. I have my opinions and values, and they do not line up with Busse or Kevin. That does not make them bad people. I certainly do not owe anyone an apology for my opinion. I guess my previous ingenious apology was taken seriously.

How much are you selling the stove for? My buddy is looking for one...
Us hunters gots to stick together. ;) :rolleyes:
You’re either with us or against us.
No room for compromise.
VD for one and all = real Freedom!!
Standardized litmus test kits to make sure we don’t invite anyone into camp that shouldn’t be there.
I love that place...the Campfire sub-forum. Anything goes. Of course the place has its nut jobs. Every forum does. There is more to much of what is posted there than meets the eye. Then if you prefer a little less noise with your signal, there are good sub-forums. Count me as one who is glad there are a lot of forums, and each forum has its own style.
A Lefty sub forum can’t be all bad.
There are those special places on the internet where you can get your full dose of conspiracy theories, phony rambo-bravado, mysogeny, made-up history, made-up legal theories, made-up science, and miscellaneous slander just one click away. Appears 24hCF is just such a place. Despite the obvious efficiency, I for one will pass.
I thought HT was getting bad lately but your links give me new perspective.

But I think I see now where certain new purveyors of conspiracies and creative interpretations of science keep cropping up from….
The campfire is an entertaining place, i once sent a rifle to a gunsmith who was so far off the political spectrum I'm not sure he was ever on it....he also did damn fine work on my rifle. He didn't have a podcast though, so not sure if I could cancel him or not.
The campfire is an entertaining place, i once sent a rifle to a gunsmith who was so far off the political spectrum I'm not sure he was ever on it....he also did damn fine work on my rifle. He didn't have a podcast though, so not sure if I could cancel him or not.

Smith from the campfire?
And the most recent retort. 8+ pages of this and no single user called BS. The closest it got was one user who ultimately agreed blacks were inferior, posted several remarks that Africa was a tough place to live and some of them were clever enough to overcome. Un-f-ing believable.

And the most recent retort. 8+ pages of this and no single user called BS. The closest it got was one user who ultimately agreed blacks were inferior, posted several remarks that Africa was a tough place to live and some of them were clever enough to overcome. Un-f-ing believable.

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I couldn't go past the first page... I knew it would only devolve from there. Some vile people on there.
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