Caribou Gear

Santorum to end hunting on Public Lands in Idaho

I guess I'm with you Pagosa.At least Jose told me I hated blacks on the last Obama thread because I think he's the worst president I've been alive for.I'd be more uptight about this post if there was actually something on the table about it in the house or senate.won't ever happen and its a smoke screen.He wants us to vote for high unemployment for 4 more years,gov't run EVERYTHING;ect ect ect...
Not buying what your selling.Liberals are the most anti-hunting voter group there is,and Obama is their king
And, to win in "litigation", you have to have the LAW on your side. We are a nation of laws, and to hold Public Land managers accountable to the LAW and not to fat-cat, cigar smoking industry lobbyists is definitely in the best interest of hunters.

:W: Or have bought and paid for judges like WWP and the other host of emotional environmentalists
:W: Or have bought and paid for judges like WWP and the other host of emotional environmentalists

Holy shit, that is funny!

Yes, I am sure some bootstrap 503c organization has enough money to buy federal judges.

How many other conspiracy theories do you believe? You have black helicopters flying over your house frequently?
I guess I'm with you Pagosa.At least Jose told me I hated blacks on the last Obama thread because I think he's the worst president I've been alive for.I'd be more uptight about this post if there was actually something on the table about it in the house or senate.won't ever happen and its a smoke screen.He wants us to vote for high unemployment for 4 more years,gov't run EVERYTHING;ect ect ect...
Not buying what your selling.Liberals are the most anti-hunting voter group there is,and Obama is their king

You might be one of the most ignorant posters on this site. The day after the DoL announces the creation of 238k new jobs in January and 20-some straight months of job growth, you are posting nonsense about it being impossible for companies to hire anyone due to Obama.

Now, you come to a thread where the leading GOP candidate (Santorum now leading Romney in most national polls) who continues to position himself as the MOST conservative candidate for the GOP, the day after he says he intends to sell of the Public Lands of the west to make a profit and claim that Liberals are the most anti-hunting group.

Are you incapable of actually reading facts and coming to any sort of logical conclusion or are you required to continue believing what you hear on AM radio?
I have no idea who im going to vote for this election. Obama or any of the GOP candidates dont get my approval
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Of course there are black helicopters flying around...the military has a big batch of missiles in the area. I've even seen 50cal machine guns mounted on a bunch of humvees.

I won't argue the low fees that ranchers pay on fed lands...that would be a losing battle. My beef (no pun intended) is that the WWP is an organization that has been funded in part with the hard-earned tax dollars of the American people to the tune of $1.2 million, in 2010, in Idaho Federal District courts alone by the abuse of the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA).

I have no interest in hijacking your thread's about Santorum not Jon Marvel.
  • Idaho Rivers United
  • Advocates for the West
  • Idaho Conservation League
  • Western Watersheds Project

and about a dozen other entities that fight for Idaho's Public Lands, every day.

Wow that list is the farthest thing from a list of groups to donate to as a hunter. Jose you must be on the sauce! WWP you have to be kidding.
Santorum flat out scares me. He is as close to being a religious zealot as you can get. He lost an election in his home state when he was an encumbant senator. Anyone who wants to sell all the federal lands in the west because they are a waste of time would never get my vote...if for no other reason than he is a complete idiot.

At least with Obama, I have an amendment to the constitution protecting my rights...there isn't anything protecting my public lands except my vote to keep an idiot like this out of an office where he could make a decision to sell the public trust.
Much bigger issues in life than hunting. I enjoy elk hunting and running dogs, but life in America is about to dramatically change. We have 14 trillion in govt debt and 43 trillion in consumer debt. Foreign nations own us. Why do you think America is not mentioned in the Bible? It's ok to kill the unborn, promote gay sex, tax us greatly, give to others that don't work. But be sure to save the wolf and desert tortoise.
Pagosa, You've got the best post on this thread, hands down. It is funny to see people get all emotional over save the wolf, desert tortoise, and this and that species, which have some good merit, but sacrifice more important things. There are far more important issues then conservation(as noble as it may be), and besides, there are lots of laws already in place to protect these lands. Who gives a flip about conservation when we grind the faces of the poor, or are burdened with heavy taxes, or watch families destroyed or at the start of a cold war with China, or have the uncertainty of healthcare for our parents. Some on here seem to put conservation above other more important issues. It is as if they worship the earth before the God that made it. I'm sure no one is going to care that they can't drive their tank in wilderness when we are at war. And no one is going to care about hunting elk if we loose our great nation to immorality.

From public land and resource concerns to "losing our great nation to immorality"

This is a deep group.
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I certainly think that clean air and water are more important than manufactured outrage over gay marriage.
There ya go. Gay marriage:hump:. Once again immorality overshadows all.
I knew my irrational fear of butt pirates would be the end to all I hold dear.
"His biggest detractors were those in his own party. A party I am registered to, but for the last ten years, have begun to wonder why I am registered to any party."

The wife & I will not be associated with ANY party, just personal beliefs & ethics. Stand up for what YOU believe in, not a PARTY. Anyways, that's my two cents & that's why I don't get to vote in the Primaries.
Man, I am freekin torn... Who the hell is there to vote for?

No for Romney. Can never really know where he "really" stands...
My thought started to drift towards Santorum as the best of the worst election candidates out there... Take the religious aspect that is more excessive then I like and tack that with this current development of our public lands... and his vision of joining the sabre rattling are us for the middle east... I am lost.
Gingrich just made the same comment on federal lands - stating to sell on FOX just now... UGH!

Ron Paul? I have a hard time with some of his main positions. I like his son, Rand thus far though that is not an option...

Obama? Heck, never thought I would vote for him. Someone posted here - at least we have our bill of rights to fight against any major pushes against my core values...

Then I have to consider the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to enter... Ginsburg / Breyer... retiring in the next few years?

This election sucks! Lacking proper words though no other way to describe my thoughts.
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Obama? Heck, never thought I would vote for him. Someone posted here - at least we have our bill of rights to fight against any major pushes against my core values...

Then I have to consider the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to enter... Ginsburg / Breyer... retiring in the next few years?

Therein lies the problem...your bill of rights could do a 180 in the next president's term if that president is Obama.

While I think that many of the critiques mentioned of the republican candidates are valid to some extent, Obama has a pretty poor track record on SC Justice appointments. Both Kagan and Sotomayor are very anti-gun. Heller and MacDonald were both 5-4 do the math on the next president's importance to gun rights.
The two SC justices looking at possible retirement (Ginsburg and Breyer) are already left leaning SC justices...there would be nothing gained or lost on the conservative side. The other part, unless Ginsburg dies, she has said she won't leave the SC for quite a while. One more thing to keep in mind...a ruling on gun control has already hit the SC which sets precedent. The SC very seldom over rules itself once precedent has been set (it would be like them admitting they were wrong to begin with).
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