Ryan Busse is a coward

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Sounds like part of the issue here is Busse not being consistent over his life. Not my business but it makes it so I won’t listen to him. Maybe he and his wife donated some of their Kimber money to gun control initiatives or families of mass shooting victims. People want consistency from people preaching something. Like when a lot of years ago Liam Neeson said there were too many guns in America. He made a lot of money in movies with firearms
So, I'll chime in just to flap my lips for a second:

I doubt Ryan Busse give 2 shits what Hoss thinks.

I support Hosses rights to come forward and express his thoughts in a respectable manner. Calling a person out OK, Name calling, not OK.

Debate on issues is healthy and something that makes our country great. Good discussions are how common ground will get discovered at some point. I don't know what that will look like.

Locking up a semi automatic rifle because it's black and some might consider it to be a "Assault weapon" is ridiculous. We know that any weapon can "Assault people". Yes I know the difference. Several generations now know the AR as the only weapon they are familiar with.

The real problems we have are with mass shootings. A 10/22 can be a very dangerous "Assault Weapon" if you have the desire to modify it. https://gunmagwarehouse.com/gsg-ruger-10-22-22lr-110-round-rotary-drum-magazine.html Should we lock 10/22's up at ranges?
1100 Remington shotguns?

I have a semi auto ar platform rifle and use it for predator hunting.

Carry on.
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This is interesting info. Looks like more reasons why in the 2000s people started buying even more firearms

Edit: wonder if any of this related to the Republicans “war on drugs” any drug gang related shootings
This is interesting info. Looks like more reasons why in the 2000s people started buying even more firearms

Edit: wonder if any of this related to the Republicans “war on drugs” any drug gang related shootings
I don’t know what the answer is but I think we need to cut the BS, the 4 Republican presidents before Trump all knew exactly what an assault weapon was and said emphatically that we should ban them. This was a bipartisan issue for decades.

IMHO a lot of folks have hook line a sinkered a marketing campaign.
So ... restricting and securing is "ridiculous". Any firearm is an "assault" weapon. I own an AR platform for recreation.

Therefore let's do NOTHING.

My biggest fear is that 2A will go the way of Canada, Australia, or other more restrictive nations as the pendulum keeps swinging.

To many my suggestion, or any other restrictive change, is "ridiculous" and causes same old, same old trite NRA-like arguments.
How about some practical solutions then. DO NOTHING is the key to gun owner disappointment.
Sounds like part of the issue here is Busse not being consistent over his life. Not my business but it makes it so I won’t listen to him. Maybe he and his wife donated some of their Kimber money to gun control initiatives or families of mass shooting victims. People want consistency from people preaching something. Like when a lot of years ago Liam Neeson said there were too many guns in America. He made a lot of money in movies with firearms
Yeah, there's nothing better than working with and trying to find solutions to problems, than people who's minds are as frozen solid as the ice on lake Hattie in January.

If you aren't changing your positions on issues from time to time, you aren't learning.

Consistency isn't all it's cracked up to be.
I agree on the face of it that limiting the capacity or banning essentially a few types of cosmetic features is ridiculous.

I find Busse’s point about the change in marketing of the gun industry interesting…

I mean all my grandparents era of Republicans were against assault weapons. Reagan was pretty specific about it (his views pretty much mirrored Busse), Bush presidents supported the assault weapon ban etc. So there has been a pivot point that against assault weapons was anti 2A that wasn’t always the conservative perspective.

In the last 10 years shooting ranges have seen the impact of taticool, there are about a half a dozen threads on here about public ranges and public land shooting getting stupid, and it’s never dudes shooting 700s.

Mass shootings have sky rocketed.

There certainly seems to be a correlation between gun companies switching their marketing and these issues.

I don’t know how you put that genie back in the bottle.
That is just a myth , less than 1 percent of murders are mass shootings and only a small percentage of murders are from rifles , of any kind .
Handguns are the number one weapon for murder .
99.0009 of all assault type weapons are never used in a crime .
Check the facts -
That is just a myth , less than 1 percent of murders are mass shootings and only a small percentage of murders are from rifles , of any kind .
Handguns are the number one weapon for murder .
99.0009 of all assault type weapons are never used in a crime .
Check the facts -
What are you responding to?

I never said anything to the contrary. I have an issue with the rhetoric and distortions of history.

Most gun deaths are handguns 100%.

The rate of mass shooting with assault weapons has increase dramatically since the ban was lifted.
The NRA hasn't been consistent, and changed its position on a lot of these things discussed over the last 40yrs. Does we hold them to the same level of accountability?
Agree. I’m not an NRA guy, but disagree with gabby Giffords efforts to ban all firearms. There’s not a lot of trust of gun control advocates saying we just need a “few more” reasonable regulations. States like oregon and Washington are going all out
I think there may be answers to some of the problem through proper and fully funded mental health care. It's really one of the few options to talk about that isn't an infringement of rights.

Step one of solving a very complex issue.

But, it seems like the national conversation trends just like this thread. Ignore something proactive and preventative to argue over the symbolism of the tool used for harm or protection.

I agree with Buzzh that which ever party makes mental health care a pillar in their platform has a wining political message.
The GOP has the correct stance on 2A issues. It makes perfect sense for them to pick up the mantle of actually doing something about reducing violence before anyone picks up a rock, hammer, or AR.
If you aren't changing your positions on issues from time to time, you aren't learning.
A lot of statements in this thread carry the theme of you need to have your mind changed one way or the other. My way or go take a flying leap. I think that’s why things get so polarized or are so polarized.

I agree with you let’s also consider and work on young people’s mental health

Edit to say here in Portland there is a lot of gang on gang violence/shootings. The argument is more restrictions on law abiding gun owners will have no effect on that problem, but those gang related shooting deaths are still part of the cited statistics Re gun violence in America
What is Busse’s position on video games like Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, Fortnite, etc? I have watched kids play these games, and I can’t help but think that the non-stop killing in these fantasy worlds might numb the minds of some players to the finality of death and lead to attempts to recreate the short-term, immediate thrills in the real world.

If the gun industry marketing folks are supporting these games, shame on them.

While I am on my high horse, what are we going to do about single-parent homes? I am pretty sure there are a lot of studies out there showing a correlation between growing up in a single-parent home and an increased risk of engaging in crime.

I don’t know the answer to curbing mass shootings, but I am pretty sure that further gun control laws that would likely only affect currently law-abiding people, would only be a bandaid on an epidemic.
Agree. I’m not an NRA guy, but disagree with gabby Giffords efforts to ban all firearms. There’s not a lot of trust of gun control advocates saying we just need a “few more” reasonable regulations. States like oregon and Washington are going all out

I used to be an absolutist. I'm not anymore. I don't think it's disingenuous for people to change.

I think the fascination with Giffords is overblown by the right. I bet most Democrats don't even know who she is or what her group is about. The majority of them aren't in lock step with her view, so I think our energy is better focused on discussion with them.

What do you think of the prospect of increased paperwork to acquire assault weapons? I think there is some middle ground there that could help prevent a few of these high profile shootings. Going forward what if we required people purchasing a semi auto centerfire rifle having an expanded background check? A few more steps in the process to prevent these troubled kids from flying under the radar?
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