Romney: "I don't know what the purpose is" of public lands

Romney not liking public lands and thinking a moose is an elk in December, in Montana, while hunting with Peay.

Now let's get drunk.
jose,fun when all the people alot smarter then me say that gov't health care has been the main reason why companies aren't hiring.They don't know what the true costs to their business will be yet
I am guessing most everyone you meet would be considered " alot smarter then" you. But, instead of relying on ignorance and assuming everyone smarter than you is correct, why not rely on FACTS that show 23 months of jobs being created, the lowest unemployment in years, and, tons of other data that shows PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS being created? Or, at a minimum, quit going around spreading lies like it being "impossible" to create jobs and do hiring right now. The facts don't support your lies.

Yep, I don't like him cause he's black,lol.
That can be enough reason for you to not vote to re-elect President Obama. You don't need to make up lies to justify racism.

I guess I shouldn't say all.We all know that people on MSNBC,and CNN tend to make up their own shizz.Explain to me the easy answer so I don't have to look it up.My brain cell count is down to one,sorry,but hey thanks for the help
The easy answer is that people can hire all they want when they have DEMAND for their products/services. Nobody considers the cost of health insurance as the sole determiner of hiring. You look at what the cost it is to hire the employee (wages, overhead, benefits, etc...) and if you have DEMAND that will increase the revenue, you hire the person. And, if that is too complicated, then the easy answer for you might be to turn off the AM radio and Fox News and just listen to your favorite Barry Manilow songs.

You guys that think the Dems are supporters of publicland hunting may want to look over their supporters for their campaigns also.No need to worry about them Republicans drilling in your favorite high country elk spot I don't think.But, you may have to worry about gun bills and hunting rights if you keep voting liberal.
I don't worry a single day about "gun bills and hunting rights", as I have NEVER seen a bill that has impacted my "rights to have guns and hunt". I do worry about pipelines being put in my hunting areas, mines being put in my hunting areas, roads, etc. They have impacted my hunting far more than any imaginary gun control law that looney-tune right-wing white supremacists scare the ignorant with.

Many amaze me at their perspectives on here. I don't value public land over my family. I don't value public land over my guns and don't value public land over many other issues.
Now drink the kool aid.

Do you know of somebody that is threatening to take away your family? Seems like a bit of fear-mongering you are spreading in your kool-aid.

And, just exactly what are you planning on doing with your guns if Public Lands disappear and there isn't areas to go hunt?

The Dems for sure want more public land and they would take all the land they wanted if they could even your private property its called GOVERNMENT CONTROL! If you want government to control your every move vote for the jacka$$e$.

Where do you make this shit up?


While public lands might not be a top tier issue for some, they matter beyond what it gives us for recreational opportunities. In the west, for example, our water supplies and our irrigation water start on public lands. Healthy watersheds means healthy people and healthy crops.

Public lands provide low cost grazing options for ranchers and can be managed in a sustainable fashion.

Public lands help fill the United States treasury through energy production (coal, oil, natural gas, uranium).

Public lands are economic drivers in areas where there are large blocks, and protective designations like National Monuments have been proven to be revenue generators. Public lands help diversify local economies if managed in a sustainable fashion, and help create more jobs than if the land was privately held.

You had me until the support for Welfare Ranchers.

sweetnectars last post was probably the best post I've seen on this topic.I want my guns and a place to hunt wth them.if that means hunting outside an oilfield so my fellow americans can have good high paying jobs,I say drill.if it means we are self sufficient, then I say drill some more
There ought to be some sort of IQ test before being allowed to register to vote. If you really would be satisfied hunting in the middle of oilfields then you don't know much about wildlife.

.More people working and feeling secure in their employment are good for my business.Thats not the case for the past 3 years,and gov't health care has put the brakes on hiring and keeping unemployment high.any candidate ready to get rid of that BS has my vote.The health care stuff is a joke.If your a member of congress you get plan A,the rest of americans get plan C or junk

Where do you make this shit up? We have had 23 consecutive months of private sector job growth. There are no "brakes on hiring". If you want to see "brakes on hiring", then look at the last 2 years of Bush's term.

That is the biggest crock of crap I think you have ever posted. You obviously don't spend any time on OUR public lands unless your hunting. The Wilderness areas next to my house have thousands of NR each year tromping around. The Parks, and WMA are very busy places all year long. People backpack, fish, moutain climb, ski, snowshoe, snowmobile, take photo's, film who know's what, all on our public lands.

You put oil derricks there, those people go elsewhere. You put an open pit mine there, they leave, and never show back. Fisheries die, or are greatly diminished with mining. Native grouse, and mule deer take big dives in populations, with oil and gas production as it is today.

Great, Mixed, Sweat, and Draftstud, can still take their weapons for a walk, without any chance of harvesting game, and still be happy. That's weak!

And, we have a winner......
For some reason I have been made to sound like I want to come though the West and sell out the wild places and rape and pillage the West. I made reference to one thing, not about Strip mining or Drilling for OIl or Gas. SS, you need to chill Dude, either that or Kiss my Ass! John

I don't believe anyone put those words on your screen for you. You wrote the way you feel, and believe. I don't think you have quite the grasp on how important our public lands are to Western Americans. I'll chill when you accept my statement that yours was a "crock of crap". You get "chill" for "retraction'.

Or we can get drunk, break a bunch of beer, whiskey and wine bottles all over the road and fight right there in the middle of the mess. Your choice!:mad:

I'm all for energy developement, within reason, and after due process. Not at the expense of my way of life.
Jose what about the Clinton gun ban? I know you said nothing was ever done to impact your gun rights wich may be true if you did not own anything that was banned from purchasing.Not trying to start an argument with anyone here but I do like to hear everyones opinions from both sides. And also Jose just to get the facts straight I do not like Obama and I am not a racist I would have gladly take Herm Cain over Romney any day its just to bad he couldnt keep it in his pants. I honestly do not know who my vote is going for this year in the primary or election. Nomination maybe?
While my people are kicking your peoples asses during petty skirmishes, those people are quietly and effectively winning the war.

I hope no explanation is needed.
Fin, in the spirit of reconciliation . I think we should put forth a joint ticket of DRAFTSTUD and SHOOTS STRAIT. That would take care of ''checks and balances '' no congress or judiciary necessary!
If drafted I will not serve, or whatever that saying is.....Spook12, where in western Arkansas? I have a Farm that back up to Poteau Mountain, you know next to My Public Lands! LOL. It is west of Waldron in the small Village of Bates, AR. John
Originally Posted by sweetnectar
"Many amaze me at their perspectives on here. I don't value public land over my family. I don't value public land over my guns and don't value public land over many other issues."

Good point sweetnectar! Make me choose between big public wilderness areas in the lower 48, and the right to own my .308 rem; I'll choose wilderness every time. It's a paranoid thought to think, but even if "they" somehow "took" my guns, and my right to hunt, I'd still be content just running ridges in the backcountry.

sweetnectar and I just have a different value system, nothin' wrong with that.
Not far, across Walker Mountain. I do have some Dandy small lakes that I wear the Bass out on. I do want to take my Pop-Up and the Bass Tracker and use my Noodles to catch some cats on Hinkle! John

Support for the second amendment doesn't mean much if they destroy opportunity for average hunters to enjoy hunting.

I've looked all over that silly outdated constitution and have yet to find the hunting section :D
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