Yeti GOBOX Collection

Robie Creek 1/2 Marathon....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I know a few guys from here ran it. How'd it go ? Although I was in better shape this year then last year I didn't fair so well. Win some, loose some. I lost this one bad....... 6 mins slower but I l;earned a lot, that has to cound for something, right :D

My feet will thank me in about a week when they heal ;)




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Win some, loose some. I lost this one bad....... 6 mins slower but I l;earned a lot, that has to cound for something, right :D

My feet will thank me in about a week when they heal ;)

What was loose, the shoe?;)

Well done Oscar, way to stick it out.

I don't run mine for another 6 weeks. Hoping the weather improves soon, as 7 miles on the treadmill this morning was pretty boring.:D
Congrats on the finish, thats worth a lot. I'm shooting for one towards the end of summer, I ran outside for the first time just this week, finally snow free.
My feet hurt just looking at pictures of your feet.
Leave it up to the Resident Spell checker ;)

It was a wakeup call and reminder for in 7 weeks I do the 70.3 again...... I think I want to become a couch potato again. :p

I need to hit it hard for the next 6 weeks..... or at least hit it. Unlike MtMiller and gang, I'm not naturally in shape :(
Next year come down to AZ and do Pats run... its a cool 99 deg. and the women look better..
Congrats!! My feet tingle just looking at those pics and I'm no stranger to blisters. I still haven't ran this calendar year... :D
Dude Google "Injinji Tetrasox", and you already have Bodyglide for your wetsuit... Judicious application of both should help in the future. (Although the tetra sox would take too long in transition on your Tri.)

Looks like you had a better Half Mary than I did this weekend in the time department...That is a lot of Vertical gain in 8 miles. My compliments.
Both daughters have run the Robie. In fact youngest received an engagement ring in '08 from her fiance (she couldn't run due to her cancer). Daughter number one did Big Sur last year (and only lost one toenail Moosie) after she found out she has WN Virus and is now training for Hood to Coast in August. Bummed that she couldn't squeeze in Missoula Marathon because of the good people there (you know who you are). Myself? Run two blocks to get a 1/2 rack? Not even.
Check this out.
Damn dude that looks nasty. My IT Band started giving my problems at mile 5 on the uphill and it only got worse on the downhill. I felt like I was in a lot better shape than last year but had to take more walk breaks than I wanted to cause of the knee pain. Still managed to beat my time from last year but probably ended my running for a little while.
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