Republican or democrat?

...and thats exactly why nothing get accomplished and why the American Public pays the price for idiots that cant think on their own...or even think about those that they represent.

Saying the other side does it too isnt justification for trashing the American Public.
So if you belong to a union you should not follow the union all the time??? or is it different? (have to raz you a bit Buzz, knowing your a union guy)

Party line voting sometimes is maddening but it happens with all parties and unions.
So if you belong to a union you should not follow the union all the time??? or is it different? (have to raz you a bit Buzz, knowing your a union guy)

Party line voting sometimes is maddening but it happens with all parties and unions.

And Races and income levels Ect. :eek:
So if you belong to a union you should not follow the union all the time??? or is it different? (have to raz you a bit Buzz, knowing your a union guy)

Party line voting sometimes is maddening but it happens with all parties and unions.

If any group expects me to follow them 100 percent of the time, just because I'm a member... they have the wrong guy.

I'm on a bunch of committee's and usually asked to be because I rarely follow the herd...some people are smart enough to see the value in that.

Others dont...and they fear anything but group think. Most politicians are spineless.
American! Through and through...Neither party is really doing anything, but holding on to their jobs...What happen to looking out for us!?!
I tend to lean more conservative, but it is the stuff like these messages that makes it hard for me to want to vote on the same side as anyone that posts this stuff or wears a shirt like that.

Your a moron if you dont think that democrats have thier own ignorant T-shirts, and an even bigger idiot if you let the opinions of others sway your values.
All the partisan finger pointing in the world wont save our country from ourselves. We have long pasted the point of no return.
How to Christmas lights work then?
Plug the male into the female. As Dr. Phil has tried to convice us, we both have girl and boy feelings, it's just which end of the spectrum you bat from... :D

However, if you consider the "reverse cowgirl" I guess you could call that plugging the female onto the male... :hump:
Would that be a gay, gay?? :D It's kinda cool to use the same word as an adjective and noun in the same sentence. Happy, happy, happy....

no more duck dynasty for you young, gay and happy, happy, happy in the same paragraph.
I miss Jose....there I said it. HIs posting is like a good blues tune.....the same root note but phrasing all over the fretboard.
Your a moron if you dont think that democrats have their own ignorant T-shirts
You mean like the "once you vote black you never go back"...yeah I am aware. I believe my posts show how ridiculous people get on both sides.
and an even bigger idiot if you let the opinions of others sway your values.
I think I am safe from being a bigger idiot. siiighhh....If you would just read my posts . I was simply trying to point out the stupidity that comes from BOTH sides.
moron idiot
Thanks and thanks for reminding me why it is stupid to discuss politics on the innanet.
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