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Registering your guns in MA

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28227
  • Start date
Not surprised by this BS. Is it all guns or just hand guns?

All guns... this is all just to bring a couple pump shotguns, and a bolt action rifle. I'm sure it's way worse if you want to own a glock.
No kidding.

Me: "Hi I am moving to MA, with some firearms and would like to get some clarifications on the laws to make sure I'm compliant"
FRB: "Ok, sure. You need to sign up for a fire arm safety class, fill out an application, interview, get finger printed, get your permit, then register all your firearms"
Me: "Sounds good, what is the grace period for having a gun in state without a license."
FRB: "60 days"
Me: "Under regular circumstances, assuming I take the firearm class the day I move to MA how long does the application process take?"
FRB: "You will get an interview within 60 days, then we, the FRB, will get the paperwork and we have 90 days to process your application"
Me: " So it could be 150 days"
FRB: "That is correct"
Me: "So I would be in illegal possession of firearms for 90 days, potentially"
FRB: "Yes"
Me: "And covid is slowing things down, and there are no classes being held, and you aren't doing interviews currently"
FRB: "Correct, we recommend you surrender your guns to your local authority before you move and then re-take possession after you have your permit."
Me: "..."
Me: "..."
Me: "Thanks for your help..."

Also... class costs $100, and the permit costs $100.

I'm not sure how long you plan to be here, but that $100 permit cost isn't a one-time charge. You have to go through this process I believe every 6 years -paying $100 each time, filling out the paperwork, waiting the 90 or so days...
I'm not sure how long you plan to be here, but that $100 permit cost isn't a one-time charge. You have to go through this process I believe every 6 years -paying $100 each time, filling out the paperwork, waiting the 90 or so days...
+ retaking the class which is $100
No kidding.

Me: "Hi I am moving to MA, with some firearms and would like to get some clarifications on the laws to make sure I'm compliant"
FRB: "Ok, sure. You need to sign up for a fire arm safety class, fill out an application, interview, get finger printed, get your permit, then register all your firearms"
Me: "Sounds good, what is the grace period for having a gun in state without a license."
FRB: "60 days"
Me: "Under regular circumstances, assuming I take the firearm class the day I move to MA how long does the application process take?"
FRB: "You will get an interview within 60 days, then we, the FRB, will get the paperwork and we have 90 days to process your application"
Me: " So it could be 150 days"
FRB: "That is correct"
Me: "So I would be in illegal possession of firearms for 90 days, potentially"
FRB: "Yes"
Me: "And covid is slowing things down, and there are no classes being held, and you aren't doing interviews currently"
FRB: "Correct, we recommend you surrender your guns to your local authority before you move and then re-take possession after you have your permit."
Me: "..."
Me: "..."
Me: "Thanks for your help..."

Also... class costs $100, and the permit costs $100.
Wow.. Makes NY seem really reasonable.. Do you have any friends/family in the NE?
Former Massachusetts FID holder here. You have to take a class in Massachusetts, and then go to your local police department to be issued the FID through their application process, fingerprinting, photo etc... Some departments will not issue a FID without jumping through even more hoops. If that is the case you can also get it from the that town the you work in and not the town you reside in. PM me with any questions.
All handguns have to be on the approved roster. Glocks are not on the approved roster. Think you have to buy a pre ban model if you want one.
I have a few friends that had good job opportunities in Boston, and once they realized MA was just as anti-2A as NJ, chose to move to neighboring NH, where it's not anti-2A, and commute back & forth to Boston. They are much happier now!
Personaly, I have felt that the United States ended at Fargo. I'm pretty sure you need a passport and visa to enter the foreign country east of the Mississippi. Probably easier to get a gun into Russia.
That doesn’t apply south of NC. Very liberal gun laws. The problem is folks that move down south from up north bring their BS ideas with them. They won’t be happy until taxes are just as high, and laws just as restrictive as where they left. I’ve never understood the desire to be controlled. I can’t imagine not being able to walk into a gun store and walk out with a gun after the federal background check.
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That doesn’t apply south of NC. Very liberal gun laws. The problem is folks that move down south from up north bring their BS ideas with them. They won’t be happy until taxes are just as high, and laws just as restrictive as where they left. I’ve never understood the desire to be controlled. NC and VA are both purple turning blue.
VT and NH have very liberal gun laws as well. It was actually easier to have a gun on campus in VT then it was at MSU.
Govt facilities are a different animal. I carried a pocketknife without thinking into our county offices to get a background check so I could do some work down in Caribbean. I didn’t think about it till I was in the metal detector. Honest mistake, I carry one everywhere every day. Fat transplant cop wanted to get belligerent about it. I wasn’t giving him my knife, I offered to take it out and leave it in my vehicle. He wanted to confiscate it. Luckily a good friend of mine friend of mine is also a deputy was there and intervened.
I can’t imagine not being able to walk into a gun store and walk out with a gun after the federal background check.

It's been a handful of years since I purchased a gun (here in MA), but for all of my gun purchases here I was able to do that - walk in, pick out a gun, have them run a background and walk out with it same day. The biggest difference, I imagine, is the selection of new handguns to choose from.

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