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Rally for Public Lands - Colorado


Dec 23, 2000
If this isn't worth taking a day off work for, I'm not sure what is. I'll be making the 500 mile round trip.
Please RSVP so that there is enough beer to go around. ;)

Rally with Colorado Sportsmen for Your Public Lands

What: Rally for Public Lands

When: 12:00PM Wednesday, Feb. 25th

Where: West Steps, Colorado State Capitol, Denver

Who: Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Trout Unlimited, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, and Colorado Wildlife Federation

Why: Join your fellow Colorado sportsmen and women at the Colorado State Capitol in Denver to oppose transferring millions of acres of national public lands to the state. Sportsmen know that they will lose access and opportunity if lands owned by all Americans are transferred to individual states. Sportsmen need to speak up and say NO to a public lands transfer.

Join us at 12 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25th, on the West steps of the State Capitol.

RSVP to Join us Here!

We'll be hosting a reception at Stoney's Bar & Grill immediately following the event. Join us for beers, gear giveaways and more.

For more information on the foolish, but growing efforts to wrest public lands away from public ownership, check out this report.

Cant make it, but still interested in helping? Tell your elected officials to stop the public land sell-off by signing the Sportsman's Pledge here.


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Go get 'em Oak. Wish I was not obligated to other duties in other locations. No state would have more to lose under this hair-brained scheme as does Colorado. Thanks for all you do.
I hadn't heard about the rally until seeing this post, but was still surprised more people didn't show up today. Definitely glad I was there. Thanks Oak