Preferred powder for Barnes TTSX .30-06?

Paul in Idaho

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2012
Southwest Idaho
I'm getting ready to reload cartridges for the first time, and am trying to decide what powder to start with. The Barnes load data for .30-06 has a few powders that are listed for most or all the TSX & TTSX bullet weights I'm interested in trying:

  • IMR 4064 (for all)
  • Big Game (for all)
  • H414
  • H4895
  • IMR 4895

I have been shooting 150-grain TTSX factory loads, so I'll probably start loading 150s, then go lighter or heavier depending on results.

Can any of you experienced reloaders give me some input on which would be the best to start with, and why?

I've used both H4895 and H414 with good results. I've never tried Big Game, but wouldn't hesitate to. I just worked up a load of 130 grain TSX bullets over 49 grains of H4895 that shoots under 1 MOA. I will tinker with it more next year and expect to tighten it up even more.
Big Game kicks butt in the '06 w/ 150gr Barnes. Use Winchester magnum primers with it.

You should get 3000 fps or so
I have tried various powders in my 30.06 and always come back to H4350 but I only shoot 165 grain projectiles out of it. Seems to be less temperature sensitive than other powders as well.
I'm afraid to tell you this, but the truth is the truth. One powder is not going to reign King with any one brand/weight bullet. Your rifle is going to tell you what it wants, and that is that. You'll probably need to try 2-4 to see what is going to work in your rifle. 4350, W760, 4831, RL-17 are all good starting points.
IMHO those powders are to fast of a burn rate for the '06. I personally like 4350 and 4831 for the 06 case based calibers.
4895 is a standard powder for the 06. I'm sure you can find a good load using it with 150's.

I have had tremendous success with IMR 4350 & RL 19 and 165's and RL 22 with 180's.
I checked my reloading notes and see that I have goofed. Winchester Large Rifle primers are the ones to use (hottest of the LR primers and best for igniting ball powder).

Win Magnums were a little too hot.
Barnes load suggestions are usually pretty spot on. I would buy the *most accurate powder they list as a starting point and another similar burn rate powder also listed.
Have been loading 165's and IMR4350 for over 40 years and never saw any reason to change because it always worked well. I do plan to try RL17 to see if I can squeeze a little more speed out of it.
Have been loading 165's and IMR4350 for over 40 years and never saw any reason to change because it always worked well. I do plan to try RL17 to see if I can squeeze a little more speed out of it.

I did some load testing with RL17 and the 06 w/ 165's & 180's. You'll get speed, but I quickly ran in to sticky bolts and poor accuracy. I've since stuck with IMR 4350 for the 165's and am having decent luck with RL 22 & 180's.
Ben, interested in where you went with the RL-17. Gonna try it with a friends new bullet he is manufacturing. PM me if you would. I'm gathering all the info I can. Thanks, mtmuley
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