Pre-Hunt Flyover scouting tour timing (Gila, NM)


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2015
I drew a 16C early rifle tag for this year and a friend of a pilot friend of mine has me in touch with a pilot out of Socorro. I'm planning to do a 1-2 hour flyover of the unit, was originally to do it during a summer scouting trip that I'm bringing the family along on, but given the great changes in water and such, I'm now wondering if I should just budget it into another day before season? I was planning to arrive Wednesday (season opens Saturday), but, assuming the weather was cooperating, could also arrive Tuesday and do the flight Wednesday or Thursday.

So - has anyone done a pre-hunt flight scout before? Better to do closer to the season or doesn't matter? any particular tips on how to use what you see from the air? Remote water is a priority, of course, and obvious bedding ridges and travel routes, but anything else?
48 hr before limit in NM.
....and frowned on by most folks here.

Elk barely get a break if any between hunts here. Hell,folks hassle them year round now. IMHO
48 hr before limit in NM.
....and frowned on by most folks here.

Elk barely get a break if any between hunts here. Hell,folks hassle them year round now. IMHO

I agree 100%. I had a guy buzzing a area in MT 332 opening day in a Cessna 172 last fall. Completely not necessary.
If you're getting there on Wednesday or Thursday should give you plenty of time to scout the area.
I've been flown over during the season a bunch of times in MT by a local that I'm pretty sure was looking for elk on his property and/or hunters wandering where they shouldn't be. Tough to prove though
Google earth isn't good enough? If not try Bing photography.

Glad we pushed the regulation in Wyoming that bans this type of crap.
Why dont you hook up with the old school bus driving vegan - buy a drone and you both scout and hunt the west and go nuts! Tell us all about it and how ya do it in your pod cast, cannot wait!
Points taken, all - I was a little surprised by the reaction, but it is understandable when framed in an internet post from a stranger and not from a deeper conversation.

FWIW - Google Earth, a pile of paper maps, and some phone numbers, emails and the extreme generosity of folks that have hunted the unit in the past is my primary scouting approach (plus reading the limited number of non-hunting books about the area I've been able to find).

I fly for work and after a couple of million butt-in-seat miles I've come to a point where I appreciate an overhead perspective of the landscape, probably more than most given the hours I've spent staring out windows above the earth. The flight was never intended to 'find elk' - I will do that on my own 2 feet - but rather to familiarize myself with the landscape in context to features and roads in a way that physical presence allows where satellite imagery does not.

As it's a OIL tag for me and a fair distance from home (I will make one summer trip as noted), and I have a number of pilot friends, this seemed like a good scouting addition.

I did not consider that flying over @ 1000' AGL would potentially be a nuisance to the animals and the above have impressed that it might, or at the very least, could (will) be construed poorly by my fellow tag holders if done near to the season.
Why dont you hook up with the old school bus driving vegan - buy a drone and you both scout and hunt the west and go nuts! Tell us all about it and how ya do it in your pod cast, cannot wait!

Why don't you hook up with some of the old pissed off white guys and form another chapter of the Flat Earth Society. While your at, pick up you keyboard and get it the hell out of here. Your PW is not going to work, the next time you log into this site. You go on these sniveling rants every once in a while, and I'm done with it.
FWIW - Google Earth, a pile of paper maps, and some phone numbers, emails and the extreme generosity of folks that have hunted the unit in the past is my primary scouting approach (plus reading the limited number of non-hunting books about the area I've been able to find).
I think you were misunderstood in that it was not realized you were already doing your "homework" and the usual scouting preparation. It initially seemed like you were just looking for a shortcut and that often stirs up those who have expended a lot of effort in scouting. As a former Army aviator I do appreciate what you are saying about gaining perspective of the landscape from the air. Good luck to you in scouting and your following hunting adventures.

I have gotten to fly over a few ranches with the rancher and it is cool to see whats what. I flew in choppers a few times for work too.
Where I live in SW NM you hear and see airline jets and get some incredably low flybys by the military and once in a blue moon a small plane,and you notice them most.
Not common.Rare. Usually one of the big ranchers checking his place I think,maybe. Big $ in outdoors hunting and all.

Here in NM hunts are 5 days after the 2 archery/Sept. seasons and only 2 days between hunts from then on.
I have seen the planes fly in the Gila.And watched the elk move and some POed hunters....

Most folks here would down any drone they saw. Just sawin'...........
I've flown a lot for work as well and IMO, there is no advantage to flying versus looking at a google earth and understanding a topo map. The only advantage to be gained from a flight would be to locate game...that's it.

I would argue that topo's and aerial photography combined, are much better than flying. Pretty tough to remember much from a flight, I can study a map or aerial photos for hours. Plus, you can over-lay trails, roads, unit boundaries, all kinds of stuff onto either photos or topos.

Skip the flight, your time is better spent on the ground.
Cedahm, I think the biggest problem with flying, which is similar to Google earth, is the misconception that distances look so easily covered from the air. Pilots are notorious for mis-judging ground distance and the effort it takes to cover ground on foot. With it being a OIL tag I think you would better off in showing 2-3 inadavance of the season and glassing from high points. My understanding that a lot of the Gila Wilderness has burned in the 2000's, so glassing would be a great advantage. For about $150-$200 you can buy Google Earth pro, and it's great.
I have found sooo many unknown water sources & game trails on Flashearth it is amazing. Throw in GE & a pencil on a map or gps. Your good to go look.
And the grapevine is telling me that it will soon not be supported/upgraded. I hear they have something better coming. FWIW...

better???? we might all be able to go on a backpack trip right from our couch if it gets better.
Their going to evolve it into a hunt video game and more I hear. Wholelife & style coming. Endless topics/modes to choose from.
You can just sit in the recliner and have a blast.
Latest styles for that big day too!

Let me know how that went,I'll be busy skulking in the wild.

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